
  1. I just didn’t want to marry the other one, great guy but wanted totally different things at that stage in life

  2. Didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with the two who asked previously. I did with the third.

  3. Two guys asked me to marry them because they like my cooking. Three others asked me because I’m pretty. None of whom I felt knew me well enough yet, and vice versa. My husband asked me when we were still dating and I knew a long time prior that he was my person.

  4. All different reasons, on their part.

    Mainly, I’m not made for the conventional and conventional commitment I learned is not for me. I mean specifically I do not care to sign a marriage license/certificate, don’t see myself doing it – I’ll sign any agreement we want, but not that one. Not as a goal. It’s essentially an all life scope contract with no fine print, noping out.

    I’ve yet to figure out how to better communicate this, so I tend to have great committed relationships but lack the ability to get to one that feels tangibly like something I’d commit to (sign on the dotted line) for life. It eventually leads to a natural death I guess, not an easy one necessarily mind you. I also learn what I didn’t like and love/appreciate every experience. I’m also flighty…tend to live life on my own terms and don’t know how to plan together cause I want someone who does the same maybe…

    I know the why for me, can’t speak for them.

    Sorry just saw the before you said yea part again, in my world I said yes when I committed and we shared a life. It was awesome while it lasted. Now I’m intentionally single and saying no to any interests. I don’t have a need for marriage, and right now anyone on that track is too much for me. I don’t have the headspace and just see how much they need commitment. It’s stifling just thinking about it, and people tend to be rigid in their lifestyles.

    I’m good on my own. The trade off is not worth it to me right now.

  5. – No to my ex as our plans for the future weren’t aligned, he wanted to settle down and have many children while I wanted to travel and explore the world (I’m cf and he changed his mind)
    – No to another ex who wanted similar things as the one above
    – No to a friend (we never dated) who proposed to me at my work in front of my entire department, super awkward

  6. He had his chance and he blew it. You don’t get to walk back into my life six years later when I’m finally happy with someone else.

  7. Where are people finding multiple people who want to marry them? I can’t even find one who will go on a date with me

  8. I was way too young (20!) and he was way too boring. We dated far longer than we should have. He was apparently all in. I never was. We broke up very shortly after that.

  9. Knowing we weren’t going to be compatible long term, not wanting to jump back in so soon after divorcing my ex. I think I had 3 proposals within 2 1/2 years of my divorce.

  10. Compatibility, values, life goals. I’ve been proposed to and told “I want to marry you” a few times in college and early adulthood and didn’t have that same vision of a shared future. I was with my ex husband for 13 years; and now I have a truly secure, healthy, and passionate long term relationship with someone who truly understands intimacy and partnership and who I choose over and over, every single day.

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