so i have a friend who just got broken up with about 2 weeks ago. I asked if she wanted to join my bf and our friend to go to a concert and she was down, but today she last minute cancelled (it’s tonight). She said she’s having a rough day which i totally understand, and i usually tend to give people space when they need it, but i know sometimes it’s actually nice to have a friend that pushes you to still enjoy things even when you’re sad. Worst part is she still still lives with her (now) Ex, so i think getting her out of the house would help. Like i said tho, my instinct is to leave ppl alone and i’m not good at pushing anyone to do things, but i know when I went through break ups, i always appreciated an outing to escape my misery.

also i offered to buy her ticket to said concert!


1 comment
  1. I’d try to probe her to see where she’s at. “Hey, I don’t want to be pushy, but I think it could be good for you to go out with us. Why don’t you try it? If you’re really not feeling it, you can Uber back home. Does that sound ok?” Make it clear that a “no” is perfectly fine and you’re just looking out for her best interests. You and bf will be ok if she doesn’t come, but it would be nice if she did and you think it could be good for her.

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