Matched with this girl on hinge. I got her phone number and she agreed to a coffee date. She ended up canceling the coffee date the day before but asked for a chat on the phone. We chatted and seemed to be getting along. I sent a text two days later saying I enjoyed talking and we should meet up at this place I’ve been wanting to check out. Radio silence for 36 hours. I always just take this as disinterest and move on after 24-48 hours of no reply. This seems to be the move in the current dating culture?

  1. If the date cancelled and did not give a alternative date. I would assume they aren’t interested. I would take the 36 hour radio silence sign that they aren’t interested at all

  2. How long have you been talking? You could’ve been just intresting to talk to but meeting up is too much. Happens a lot in dating online. Don’t think too much of it and sadly moving on is just the best thing.

  3. If she was remotely interested in you, she would’ve responded by now. There’s over 2,000 minutes in 36 hours…and she can’t use one of those minutes to respond to you? See ya!

  4. I will never understand women like this. They must have boring, miserable lives to string someone along like that

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