Hello reddit people, this is the first time I post something here and in general but I’ll try to make this post based on the videos I see, well here we go…
I (bf) have been with my girlfriend (gf) for a short time, but I am very sure that I love her, and she loves me too, it was never just my thing, but the problem is that she is a little complicated girl, because there was another relationship of hers, she didn’t want to tell me much about it, but from what she said it was very bad, because she gave herself a lot to the worm and he hurt her, a lot, and when we met there was little time after that, and I also came from a bad relationship, and we fell in love from there and in the beginning it was wonderful, but soon things changed, emotionally, not at that much physically, she don’t talk to me like it was, in a 4-5 mouths these things started, and she started to be bothered by future thoughts, her space because I am much more affectionate than her, and I respect her space but in the beginning there weren’t these problems, and this came up, when I questioned her she told me that everything was very new, and that she didn’t know how future things were going to be, and as much as that upset me I understood and respected her preference, but now she tells me that in the past relationship, for example, she gave a lot of herself to someone who didn’t take care of her and who can’t do that anymore, at least not now, I don’t think so, and she’s not happy at all. relationship being that the problem is not me and she said that, but gf loves me very, very much and does not want to leave me, and I also do not want to leave her because I love her very much, and it is difficult to deal with this situation because she told me that it doesn’t feel the same anymore. Is it because she doesn’t give herself to me? Does she not like me anymore? I don’t know, but this has been going a little over the line for a while, and I promised not to abandon her, but I don’t know how far my mental health can take it, because the days are being very difficult, but I said that she will try to give herself to me and who will try to make things flow. I ask for your help with this and if something happens I will update you.

1 comment
  1. It’s difficult to understand exactly what happened here. So it’s hard to give advice.

    In what way have things changed? Do you mean physically, emotionally, or both?

    How long before the change? How long has it been since?

    Without more information, the best advice I can give is to be patient, communicate your needs, respect her boundaries. You’re both young – you have plenty of time ahead of you. There’s no need to rush things.

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