What is one of the best laws your country has ever repealed?

  1. In 1967, my country voted to change the Constitution so that Indigenous people could be recognised as humans, have rights and be protected by laws.

  2. Back in the early seventies we got rid of requiring a couple to prove that a divorce was someone’s “fault”. Nowadays the only reason required for divorce is irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, which is proven by being separated for 12 months, at which point either party can file for divorce which is granted automatically by the courts. It made a traumatic period a lot less awful for everyone. (And then a few years ago we removed all barriers for same sex couples to marry, so that was good too)

  3. In Ireland the 8th Amendment to the Constitution recognised the “equal right to life” of the mother and unborn child which gave us one of the strictest abortion laws in the world for over 30 years. Outside of the access to abortion issue it led to lots of healthcare issues for pregnant women as life saving procedures couldn’t be done if they would harm the foetus.

    Thankfully after years of marches, and protests and after thousands of women travelling to the UK for their abortions we repealed the 8th Amendment in 2018.

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