How emotional where you when pregnant and what are some funny examples?

  1. I was 7 months pregnant and went shopping with my husband. When I noticed him glance at another woman, I got so upset and wouldn’t get in the car with him. Walked home with him following me in the car while he pleaded for me to get in the car lol

  2. At Christmas a few years ago, I was 6mo pregnant. I asked for one thing and it was a David Attenborough book. My sons handed it to me with a “you’ll love this the best, we chose it together for you” I opened it up. And sobbed. I had to explain they were happy tears. Its one of my most treasured possessions. It’s not expensive, but they both listened, wrapped it and there sweet faces set me off.

  3. I was completely stupid during my pregnancy, I couldn’t remember my password, simple math, the name of things… and I am usually someone pretty intelligent with great memory, so it was very frustrating and at the same time nobody believed when I was acting like that because they thought I was kidding…

    So I had to take a medication every 6h and I took it at noon, and I couldn’t calculate when I was going to take the next time, and I asked my husband for help, I asked him: honey, what time I am supposed to take it again, because I will set an alarm”, and he looked at me and replied: “are you kidding right?”.

    And I cried for 2h…

  4. When my mom was pregnant when I was 6, one of the only foods she could eat without throwing up were these fancy individual sorbet/ice cream things. They were stupid expensive, and as a birthday gift my dad had filled our whole garage freezer with them. Like $400 of ice cream to last the rest of her pregnancy.

    Unbeknownst to me at the time, I accidentally left that freezer open after grabbing one for her. When she went to get another one later that day, they were all melted and ruined. Her anguished wail could be heard down the street. She went out to the car to cry for like 20-30 minutes, I now know that was so she didn’t literally strangle me.

  5. I’m 30 weeks pregnant right now. I was food shopping at Walmart a few months ago. I had a full on break down in the pickle section. I just couldn’t understand why Walmart had so many pickled veggies and I had none at home. My husband kept telling me to just buy the ones I wanted. But I couldn’t because then Walmart would be out. He finally just grabbed some jars and put them in the cart. Gotta love the crazy emotions and pregnancy brain.

  6. I wasn’t emotional in the sense that stupid things would make me cry or whatever- my version of emotional wasn’t funny in the slightest 🙃

  7. EXTREMELY emotional, I was like a walking emotional bomb, anything could make me experience some high emotions out of nowhere but to me what I would always remember is all the times I cried because of food, especially that one time I made my husband walk more than an hour at night to buy some food I NEEDED from a specific restaurant and when he came back, put it opened right in front of me while I was laying on the bed I just started to cry and throw a tantrum because “the food is too far and I’m in a comfortable position”, the “too far” for my overly dramatic pregnant self was to just move my hand not even 10cm away and that other time I wanted to go to a specific place in the middle of the afternoon while I was supposed to stop on going out while the sun was still up there (we were living in Dubai so extremely hot during day time), my husband tried to prevented me but as someone already extremely stubborn while being pregnant it was way worse I still went out, after 15 mins of walk I just breakdown in tears in the middle of the road calling him to come pick me up and screaming bloody murder about “why tf do you let a pregnant woman go out in this heat”, turned out he followed me with a bottle of water and the snacks I used to love (but now hate) ready lol.

  8. I was once in a fine, expensive restaurant, having a fantastic and large salad. In the middle of my meal, I start to cry because I’d rather have my mom’s cooking. Sniff.

    A week later, we’re visiting my mom, I tell her the story while laughing, she offers me food, I say no because my husband had already gone to get me a whopper. I didn’t have my mom’s food the whole weekend we visited, lol.

  9. With my eldest i cried because i had a single pringle left in the can and when i came back from uni it was gone. I cried so much and even after i got a fresh can i still cried.

    But yeah i became a crying mess for both pregnancies.

  10. I was crying because I was out of fries…. I’m the one that ate all the fries

  11. It was actually the incident that made us take a test. We had been trying for 2 years and were saving for artificial insemination, I had just had my second knee surgery 4 days before. My husband was getting ready for work (he worked midnights at the time). I was laid up on the couch working on homework as I was working toward my bachelor degree and he asked me to go get something for him and I broke down crying. He brought a test home when he got off the next morning and it was positive!

  12. Oranges tasted like I was on E, and I told anyone who would listen how good they are like it was a new discovery (and on E probably). Also didn’t care for anything else. They’re still good, but not orgasmic/psychedelic good.

    I watched this animal video and found it hysterically funny, started sharing it around. A friend pointed out how not me that was lol, it’s really not me at all.

    I’d watch horror movies alone in the dark and felt no creep/fear really…surreal. I’m talking 4AM, nada.

  13. My bf showed me a video of someone making amazing looking baked Mac and cheese with the spiral noodles I love. Cried so hard because that’s all I wanted, we drove around for 2 hours looking for a restaurant that served that, got it, went home, and cried while eating it.

  14. At 32 weeks, I went to the grocery store, and my favorite chips and favorite strawberry jam updated their packaging, and I stood there and cried long enough until a manager came to help me.

  15. I cried in a restaurant because the ramen was so good but I couldn’t finish it.

  16. Bf brought home the wrong candy.

    I cannot describe the immense disappointment. I was nauseous and convinced the one thing in the world that would save me from certain death was gummy candies.

    He grabbed hard candies by mistake. *Hysterical sobbing*

    Edit: bonus- cried because I was too horny to sleep but didn’t want sex because I was too tired for sex.

  17. I’m a teacher who works in the self-contained special education classroom with two paraprofessionals. One day when I was about 20 weeks pregnant one of my Paras was talking about cookies. I was talking about how I wanted to cookie and went to the cafeteria to get one. There were no cookies. A little bit later the other Paris started talking about cupcakes. I commented that I wanted a cupcake! I had no way to get a cupcake. At this point I was starting to feel a little bit sad but I held it together. Just before recess one of our students started talking about cake. And I started crying!

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