I’m 25(F) & I’ve been having trouble with the dating pool, it’s either I have chemistry with men but no sexual chemistry or when I do have sexual chemistry with someone they seem to lack in other areas personally wise . I also think it maybe something within me that self sabotage by expecting too much at times. I just refused to accept the bare minimum. I’ve also become more headstrong no bs in recent years vs a year 2 ago when I had no boundaries & thought remaining quiet while men cheat was being submissive & thinking me being peaceful would make them become faithful & change for me . Every since I started choosing myself first it seems to be harder to even get past a 3rd date lol . Am I wrong for wanting more?

1 comment
  1. Not wrong for wanting more. Don’t ever settle for bare minimum. Of course boundaries are always important. I just went through this yesterday where I have to take back the date since all I see is a red flag.

    Dating in general is just not that easy. It takes time of course depending on what you’re looking for. And expecting too much isn’t that bad either. We are all human beings, we know what we will and will not tolerate. Keep your head up queen!

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