I’ve recently matched with this girl on Tinder, we exchanged socials and started talking, immediately clicking and therefore ending up talking for hours everyday. We’ve met once already on what was supposed to be just a normal “hanging out with a friend” kind of thing, and we really enjoyed the time spent together. Afterwards we kept talking for hours each day and found lots of things in common.
Some days ago I expressed interest in going on a proper date with her, more than hanging out as just friends and she seems really excited about it(the date is planned for next Tuesday). I take the excitement about it as her being just as interested as me but I don’t want to mess this up by being too cocky or assuming things. How should I go about it?

  1. This is classic overthinking – come up with one or two cute surprises for the date (thins can be something cool to look at or to eat doesn’t matter just something different) and try to make some physical contact- doesn’t have to be super sexual and most times the more subtle the better. And then just enjoy hanging out and talking and the time. Be in the moment with her!

  2. Don’t ever try to guess how she is feeling or what she is thinking. Allow yourself the permission to just enjoy her presence without putting too much pressure on what’s next. Just have fun in the present moment, and make sure to let her know you enjoy her company. Feelings should develop organically without having to over do it! Enjoy!

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