I 17(f) and my boyfriend, Carson, 17(m) have been together for a total of 6 months (we broke up for 4 months in between) so 3 months on 3 months off. He originally broke up with me because of some relationship problems, we were fighting a lot and his eyes sorta wondered elsewhere. He didn’t cheat on me but wanted to date someone else so he broke up with me. Then after 4 months Carson decided he wanted me back even though I was in a relationship so I broke up with the other guy and got back with him. (Which seems really messed up but I was his rebound and he was mine so it was never that serious) We started dating again in early May and have been doing well. Fighting way less and not having as many issues. Recently we got into a pretty big fight about religion, he isn’t religious and I am. He told me that he would never accept me being religious. We talked about it again since then, which I basically had to force him to do. We eventually talked it out and had been communicating pretty well since then. I did tell him I was worried we were gonna break up before school but we didn’t so I was glad. Then I brought up why I was nervous about dating him through school this year because of what happened last year and wanted to discuss how we would do this differently. He think said he won’t have enough time for me and said he really doesn’t want to break up but feels like he has to. He begged me not to hate him and told me he still loved me but I just don’t understand. I feel like the same thing is happening all over again. So should I let him break up with me or cshould I try to talk to him about it.

should I fight for my relationship even though he broke up with me?

  1. Nope. He made his decision, it’s time to move on and find someone who actually wants to be with you.

  2. Ummm… I don’t think you realize how this works. You don’t “let” him do anything. Break ups only require one party to enact. Your agreement or disagreement is a moot point.

  3. – On and off,
    – left you for someone else,
    – you left your new partner for someone like him,
    – He will never accept you believing what you believe

    Dump him now and move on. Yall obviously do not work out together.

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