What should a man be aware of when choosing a woman?

  1. how she treats your friends, if she communicates well, and generally how kind she is

  2. Hypergamy
    Monkey Branching
    Paternity fraud
    Number of men she was with

  3. Be aware of major red flags that can get you out of trouble later on. You can usually pick up on some early on if they have issues, and then you run

  4. Are you asking for something out of a relationship that you can’t provide yourself?

    … something that is not boobies?

  5. Be mindful of how they talk about past partners. This goes for choosing men as well.

    I wouldn’t suggest for one moment that talking about ex’s is a no-go, and it also goes without saying that we can all have terrible experiences. However, if every single of their relationships has been a disaster, and they don’t take any responsibility for how things went, or explain how they grew from the experience, then there’s usually something else going on.

  6. Take a long hard look at her family, her relationships with her friends and how well she communicates. It’s harsh, but if her family is all sorts of screwed up, she likely is as well. If her friends are petty, talk a lot shit behind other people’s backs or are super dramatic you might want to think twice. As for communication, if she can’t argue without flying off the handle or completely shutting down a long look at the deeper reasons for this are warranted.

    I’ve come to the realization that love gets a relationship started, but respect, teamwork and good communication carry the relationship for the long term. If the foundations of respect, teamwork and communication aren’t strong, then all the issues that pop up will be that much more difficult to overcome and love won’t mean a damn thing.

  7. I don’t know. But I do know this:

    The two most important choices you can make, as a man, to give you the greatest chance at future happiness, are your spouse and your career.

  8. The biggest ones I always looks for:

    -Does she have a history of cheating? Cheaters cheat. People who don’t cheat don’t.

    -How is her relationship with her father? If she has a good example of positive masculinity, she will be more inclined to have healthy relationship with your positive masculinity.

  9. When you marry someone, you’re marrying their family too (and vice versa). I can not overstate the importance of this.

  10. *”What should a man be aware of when choosing a woman?”*

    That they exist.

  11. Her relationship with her father. Because if it’s not good you’ll have to deal with it later on

  12. History … body count … her friends… people she surrounds her self with … etc there lots more

  13. What does she think of other women who support & show love for men? That mentality is a **much stronger indicator** of the viability of your relationship with her compared to her direct viewpoints towards men alone.

    Likewise the reverse is also true.

    What does he think of other men who support & show love for women?

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