Hi. Why tf nobody hangs out today? Literally nobody. Even non busy wont hang out. They go to study, if work then work, then go home and sit at phone. Most ppl I know do that lol. Literally. Not in Sunday, not in Saturday, not in holiday, not in vacation. Especially my age(2004 and 2005s). If I say let’s hang out they say no. If they say to other let’s hang out they get no and I say no. Why tf

  1. Because they are tired from work/study and the commute, thus they just want to have some time for themselves and chill without having to have another commute. Also the lockdowns might have taught more people to hang out online.

    You should go solo to places and befriend other outgoing people instead of complaining that homebodies that you met during work/school aren’t outgoing.

  2. Some do but I would choose ppl to hang out with that you have stuff in common with, maybe the ppl ur asking or wanting to hang out are just plain boring or are they intimidated by you at all? Without you realizing this?

  3. My friend group hangs out twice a week. Hardly anyone shows up to both hangouts. We’re all busy and tired.

    This week, we did do two extra hangouts since our friend was singing in a wine bar and another friend was running a pool tournament.

    Look for people who are doing something on a regular basis.

    I play billiards and like to go boating.

  4. In all fairness, I was NEVER given the chance to “hang out” outside of school AT ALL with my friends or classmates that didn’t have anything to do with extracurricular activities. So your question isn’t “why don’t people hang out today” it should be “who hasn’t hung out with people that didn’t have anything to do with extracurricular activities”. Not to mention that we all had a lot of homework to do back then as well as reports and even in the Summer time we still had to do schoolwork for the next school year for our upcoming Language Arts Literacy teacher who we haven’t even met yet. So how could ANYONE “hangout” today when it was NEVER an option to begin with back then?

  5. Not many people hang out for the sake of hanging out unless they’re married or best friends. There’s supposed to be some kind of activity that makes it worth hanging out.

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