I (25M) met this girl (23F) about three months ago and we exchanged contacts.We have been texting since then.She replies all my text but ignores any flirty text and any other text that shows I like her. We live in the same neighborhood and she ask me to take walk with her most of the evenings. I do go with her when I am free.All this and yet when ask her out she just find a way to ignore it.

If I don’t text her she will text me. Now I am confused.Is it that she just want to be friends? or she is taking time to know me?(is three months of texting and going for walks not enough).I really want our relationship to be more than just friendship.

  1. >Is it that she just want to be friends?


    >She replies all my text but ignores any flirty text and any other text that shows I like her.
    All this and yet when ask her out she just find a way to ignore it.

    This shows she’s not interested in doing these things. Sorry bro.

  2. She wants to be friends and I wouldn’t recommend it. I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who just dismisses and ignores my words and feelings. She may like you as a friend but she isn’t treating you like one. My gut says she’s using you to make her evening walks less lonely.

  3. Stop being confused. If she was interested or attracted to you, you’d be dating. She likes the friendship or validation you’re feeding her. If you want more, and you do, you should move the fuck on and stop wasting your time with her.

    You asked her out, she dodged. That’s no. Take the L and stop with the nice guy game.

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