My (23F) best friend (28F) got a new boyfriend a few months ago and it’s long distance so far. She and I live in different continents too so we can only talk on the phone, watch movies and play games to hang out together. You get the idea.

She’s been including me in the call with her new boyfriend and I’ve always acted friendly with him, just you know normally.

Anyway I told her this morning that I dreamt how me, her and her boyfriend went to some club and sang karaoke and people were throwing tomatoes at us. I thought it was a little amusing so I texted it to her.

She acted kind of annoyed with me and said it was weird and she didn’t like that I was dreaming about her boyfriend. I’ve had other dreams with him and her in it but they were always a couple there and I never did anything weird. I thought it was cute that I dreamt of them like that but she didn’t like it and made it seem as if I shouldn’t tell her such things.

Am I really wrong for telling her that? As in is it improper and overstepping my boundary?

And for the record, I have no interest or intention to try to “steal” her boyfriend. I don’t even find him attractive.

Tl;DR: I had a harmless sfw dream about me, my friend and her boyfriend but she got annoyed after I told her.

  1. I don’t think you were wrong for telling her, it was a completely benign story, but she’s clearly got some insecurities she needs to work on. So probably keep the dreams to yourself from here on out.

  2. Not all, but how she responded tells you she might be insecure and not logical when it comes down to her emotions. You can’t help you had a dream about the 3 of you, that doesn’t and shouldn’t mean anything in particular.

    Lesson learned. Unfortunately with some people you can just say anything, now you know this is topic to avoid… And honestly, if that’s her long distance bf and how she feels about it, I wouldn’t recommend always be there for these calls, that to me does not make sense as well.

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