I am 31 years old and have always respected others no matter what. I have literally never insulted anyone.

I used to love watching people go about their happy lives, with friends and family. But now I completely hate them.

I hate men in general. Physically they lack any redeemable qualities, they are disgusting. A relationship is inherently physically, and the male body is a completely nauseating thing to witness.

So at this point, why even bother respecting anyone?

The euphoria I feel from complete isolation from other people is the greatest pleasure I have ever experienced. I had everything, an inexhaustible focus, euphoria, and motivation.

But then these freaks enter my life and command me to do things, that I do not want to do and that they could not even do either.

They use complete bullshit as a physiological weapon to make me miserable.

They caused me lose multiple jobs, which I truly enjoyed.

I just see no reason to either completely ignore them or treat them like dirt.

As anyone else had a similar situation?

  1. >But then these freaks enter my life and command me to do things

    Care to elaborate on this?

  2. I think you need to take this a step further and figure out what the real issue is here. Even if you were a very introverted person, all humans need to have social interactions to be happy- drugs can fill this gap, but only for so long. You calling men “freaks” is part of the problem, I feel like if you actually met somebody whose interests aligned with yours, it might help you to understand and change your perspective on things.

  3. Umm hello there sister. I’m a dude 22(M). I want to be the meanest person too. Because of all the shit I have been through In my life. I hate girls in particular. When ever I hit rock bottom there was no one to pick me up. My closest friends left me because my girlfriend told tales and shit. I have attempted sucide twice now. I can’t bring myself to do it again so rather I will inflict pain on others who did this to me. I don’t want relationships anymore. I have been torn apart like a rag doll. I have genuinely started to believe there is no love in this frickin world.no matter how much you love someone, no matter how many compressions you make, in the end ,it’s not enough. So yah I will be the bad guy in everyone’s story.i rather like a bad guy then live like a good guy.

  4. Genuinely don’t think that’s going to work for you, and I’m speaking as a 17F with a mean face and a phase where I was mean to everyone. You’re going to regret isolating people who would have been on your side and also regret being awful to people. Hating men doesn’t do anything productive either, I’ve had that, and you would have to take time to get used to being around said men eventually anyways. It’s understandable to be upset from your bad experiences with people, and it’s okay to spend time with yourself. If respect is what you want for yourself and your close ones, it’s going to have to come from you to people too. Please get help maybe in the form of therapy if you can. I’m being completely genuine, it has helped me and I hope it could make you feel less disappointed and affected by what you had to muster courage to go through.

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