Never had the chance to try it. It’s rather difficult to find where I live. Have heard so much about the experience and the aftermath. I’m curious to look into your experiences

  1. So – I have not. However, my ex flew to Peru about 10 years ago to do an ayahuasca experience with some tribal shamans. The woman that came back off the plane was not the one I put onto it.

    She went from severe, crippling depression to being far more capable of handling it. She described a strict routine of guided meditation and hallucinations, followed by working groups to discuss their visions and what they meant. It was absolutely life-changing for her. She had taken a leave of absence from a serious, Ivy League school to deal with her mental health struggles. Ayahuasca got her past that and she completed her PhD a few years later.

    I don’t think it’s for everyone – she said you literally puke and shit everywhere. But I can say that it helped her.

  2. i did it off a dab rig once (best way to do it, don’t try any other method) and it was intense. it hits you before you even finish inhaling. during the high ~ 15 minutes, i cannot really explain the euphoria, but it was great. the come down was easy too, opposed to acid or shrooms. it was a subtle come down. nothing real positive/negative after the fact. it’s not as life changing as some people make it out to be , but it is fun, a one time deal.

  3. Look up Terence McKenna. He has multiple talks on his experiences with both substances, other psychedelics and consciousness. The guy is a legend.

    Edit: I know its not what the OP asked for but sharing for others if they are curious.

  4. It catalyzed a journey on self healing and a long dark night of the soul, made me realize I have a lot of trauma I need to work on and get help for. The process is still ongoing even though it’s been years since I drank.

    It’s been a positive experience but also a scary, confusing and very hard.

    It’s not only go and drink and then BOOM your life has changed for the better forever. Maybe some people get that experience, but it can also be a tough one.

  5. If you’re seriously looking into trying psychedelics, then I’d suggest you try magic mushrooms or LSD before DMT or Ayahuasca

  6. Smoked it’s basically a compressed mushroom trip. I had an experience about a week ago, toked while my gf and friend was talking, as I came up I was almost attached to their convo as it got more louder and more chaotic, seconds later random images from my daily life flash before my eyes then fold and morph into the next image. It was very fast paced and if I’m being honest unpleasant all around. each image of my every day had a thought attached to it, what I was thinking in that moment. As I watched my life flash before I imeadeataly noticed that most of the time that week I was thinking about tired I was. The signs of burnout were made quite apparent to me and I knew what the potential consequences would be of that happening. I came out of that experience knowing by body needed rest and that I needed a break.

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