yes i made this post to counter that other depressing one

  1. That I am indeed an ‘Island’. Nobody gives two fucks about me and I’m all I have in this world.

  2. If you want things to change, you gotta put in the work. Your mental health, relationships, jobs, whatever it is. Change happens when you’re tired of your own bullshit.

  3. Today, a girl (maybe 8, black) held the door open at a store for me (50, white) and motioned for me to come in using her hand to wave me in. I was kinda confused so I pointed at myself and said ‘Me?’ My kids are mixed and have dated many races, but based on the way things are nowadays in the news, I was confused. I held the door for her, she went in, I went to the side cuz I teared up. I’m a visual/image person so that moment will forever be in my memory.

  4. The only thing you truly have any control over is yourself and how you react to events around you. You can’t control anything else.

    Self-mastery is very, very hard but super worth it in the end.

  5. I don’t need a reason or permission to buy a birthday cake to consume by myself, in my apartment, at seven in the morning.

  6. If you’re worried about something you can’t fix, worrying won’t fix it. If you’re worried about something you can fix, then fix it instead of worrying about it.

  7. When I was about 26 I had the realization that I didn’t care what people thought about me.

    I became infinitely more happy, the need to feel wanted disappeared, the need to be the group funny guy disappeared.

    I distanced myself from my high school friends because I was trying to maintain an elevated sense of belonging.

    I realized that at a certain point, selfish people use and abuse people. I decided to back off and stick to others who weren’t in it for personal gain. I stuck by the people who gave up trying to impress anyone else, now we compliment each other’s secluded lifestyle.

    It’s great!

  8. Sometimes you just have to let people go. You may have known some of these people for 30 years, but once you decide to clean house, it takes a lot off your back.

  9. Most recently, I’ve learned to stop caring so much about my life. There is just so much about life that I have absolutely no control of. When it comes down to it, I rarely even have a vote of what happens to me.

    For example, I can’t hire myself. The person on the other side of the desk gets to decide. I may even be fired for no valid reason at all. I don’t care anymore.

    I’m the most unlucky person I’ve ever met. But I’ll never be happy until I just stop caring. Not giving up completely, but removing emotional attachment.

  10. – That while attraction is absolutely a thing, you don’t have to look like a model or be 6ft to have a good time with your choice of partners. Be warm, witty and passionate about something. That’ll get your foot in the door in most social situations. Speaking of..

    – Social skills can carry you an awfully long way in life.

    – The average person is good. There are some monumental assholes, but they’re outnumbered by people who don’t want to do you harm.

    – A shitty day, week or month doesn’t define you. It always passes and there’s always a lesson to be learned from things.

  11. That once I die, everything is no longer my problem.

    Cured my fear of death instantly.

  12. Eventually, you die. Whenever. Wherever. For whatever reason. You just die. Nothing you ever do in life will be able to stop this. Nothing you try, no matter how well, no matter how much, now matter any circumstance, will you be able to stop it. Because of this, you have two choices, build up the world or burn it down.

    I chose to build it up.

    What will you choose?

  13. The fact that you don’t need to live the regular life. Don’t have kids, take of weeks for holidays, do work you enjoy even if it is low status.

    Just live your own best life and don’t worry about the Joneses.

  14. Butter is WAY better than margarine. I saw through the bullshit

    **Edit** this is a Mitch Hedberg joke lmao

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