What do you do before work, after work? Do you have hobbies? Just sit around with kids and wife? Play video games all evening? Look at your phone? Spend it with buddies?

  1. Before work I usually get our baby changed, get food ready for our kids and myself. Make sure the cat has a clean box and fed. Got to work and exercise on my lunch break. I get home from work and make dinner. We eat together, then I do the dishes, clean up the kitchen. By then it’s time to put the kids to bed. Sometimes I watch TV or play Xbox for like an hour then go to bed. But honestly I’m so tired some days I just fall asleep on the couch. I wake up every few hours to get a bottle for our baby. Then get up and do it all again the next day. I’m not sure I’ve gotten more than 5 hours of sleep a night in like 4 years lol.

    I have friends that literally do nothing. They get to golf with their buddies, play video games all night or watch sports. I don’t get it. I feel like I do a lot and still get criticism constantly for not doing enough. Maybe it gets better when the kids get older. But honestly I feel like it will just get more chaotic.

  2. I wake up at 4:00am and at work by 6:30 (the days I have to go into office, other days I can work from home) finish work and home by 5:30pm. Come home and spend a bit of time with my boys (5 and 1 year old) around that time my wife has dinner ready, I eat and we feed the boys, after that its either bathe the boys and then get them into bed by around 7:30-8ish, following that Ill do a bit of house work just to help my wife out (typically load/unload a dishwasher or wash some clothes) will usually be around 9:00-9:30 that we finish up, Ill shower and then chill with my wife for the rest of night, we like watching Netflix together and just unwinding. In bed around 11:00ish.

  3. This is not me but my father. He wakes up at around 7 he then gets breakfast and makes his sandwich which is his brunch he then comes back during lunch and we eat and after that off he goes again then when he comes back to the house at around 6 he goes to his room and sleeps/watches TV until around 10 pm which is when a podcast that he watches starts then he goes to the living room and watches it on the computer there, he doesn’t watch it on the TV because according to his words “Too many bad words” which is not that bad but his choice. After all that he then makes dinner for mostly just himself and my younger sibling and off to bed he goes at around 12 or 1 and rinse and repeat. He doesn’t really have any normal hobbies what I mean by that is that the time he spends in the computer is either him just watching videos about his favorite comedians or cars and he also likes to go on craigs list and look for cars idk why he does it, he hasn’t bought a car in like 2 years. However, one thing that he does do is he goes car racing which is typically only like once every 2 months but from what I hear he has a blast doing is, last time he went he took my younger sibling and according to what they told me my father was dominating the track and trough out all the pictures they got not on a single on of them was he not smiling. (PS I don’t care about grammar).

  4. I don’t do shit before work, I wake up just early enough to toss my clothes on and go. After work I’m coaching half the year, cook dinner, do some cleaning(usually dishes), play with my kids, work out, have a cigar or pipe, sometimes I play golf on the weekends, go visit some buddies

  5. Prepping dinner for the smallest one.

    Cleaning up afterwards.

    Next would be waiting for my wife to return from work.

    Order something for ourselves (usually we discuss what we want to eat for dinner)

    After that I clean up after my youngest (cleaning the table and clearing his chair)

    Wash the dishes and put them away.

    Clean the floor around my youngest (he is eating by himself but it is still messy)

    Go upstairs and bathe my youngest.

    Wait for my wife and daughter to come upstairs so they can shower so that I can go take a shower.

    Go to bed 8:30 ish.

  6. After work mum wants some time away from the kids so I’ll play with them and have fun until dinner is ready. Eat dinner at the table then it’s either bed time or bath time. Bed
    = I take the older one and the wife takes the youngest. I try to get some me time on my phone etc. But it don’t really get enough free time to play video games anymore, probably when they’re both older.

  7. I’m lucky to work from home, so my work day looks mostly normal except that I field several kid requests, break up a few fights, and repeat “listen to your mother/ do your chores/ schoolwork!” every time I pass through the house for anything. (We also homeschool, so there’s that)

    By around 4 or 5pm on most days I come back in the house and I’ll take “point” with the kids, which usually means putting on music and making dinner (drafting any and all kids to help).

    After dinner we mostly hang out in the living room and read together or otherwise goof around until wife reminds me I need to chase everyone to bed (which is my duty).

    Once the kids and the wife are asleep, I head to the man cave and play guitar or make YouTube videos or play some Diablo.

  8. 4 kids age 7-16.

    Before work: Just a shower. Maybe prepare some breakfast for the youngest kids. Wife might wake up same time, and sometimes I drive her to the trainstation.

    Kids wake up themselves and go to school.

    After work: Prepare and make dinner with wife. Try sometimes to involve oldest kids, sometimes they do, mostly not 🙂

    Eat dinner all together when possible (important!) Phones or distractions allowed.

    Some of the kids participate in sports so most days I am in some way involved in this.

    If it’s a day with no activity like this, I can either just relax at home, or do some house or garden work.

    I love DIY’ing, and have a ton of projects and hobbies related to this (home improvement, carpenting, renovating etc)

    I might spend a little time just scrolling on phone.

    I never play video games. (work in IT so that’s my dose of electronics for the day)

    Have maybe a cup of coffee/tea/beer/drink with wife after dinner and after kids have finished homework.

    Probably watch Netflix with wife after kids go to bed. Sometimes a glass of wine or beer.



    Most free time are involved with my kids, and luckily we have some of the same interests: examples: fishing, hiking, skiing.


    Personal “me-time”: Try to go to gym 3-4 days a week, alone or with wife. We live in a small town so all is very close.

    Drive my motorcycle a few times during the summer, I try to make room for one overnight trip with friends every year.

    I go hunting a lot in the autumn with friends. Try to involve kids in this as they get older.


    Life with wife and children are full of drama, noise and work, but I wouldn’t change it for all the money and supermodels in the world.

  9. My middle school aged kids are pretty independent and I leave for work just as they are getting up. Walk the dog, take a shower, grab a protein bar, off to work.

    Evenings, I get home before everyone. So I take the dog for a nice long afternoon walk. Then help the wife cook or monitor homework when they are all home. Do the dishes. Watch one or two shows, or part of a movie, with the whole family.

    Then the wife and me go watch something on our own for a bit while the kids can have their different devices. Sometimes she will put on reality shows while I play a game on a hand held next to her. Currently using the Asus Rog Ally. Other times we will watch a sci fi drama or a comedy series together.

  10. Three kids, all basically teens. Oldest can drive. It’s usually getting them where they need to go, or picking them up from the same. Taking care of pets. Cleaning up, cooking, making sure the kids are doing their chores, fixing stuff around the house and work. I work shift, so my schedule can change, but that’s the basics of daily life. Me, my wife and the kids all share chores.

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