What’s the saddest example you’ve seen of someone getting in their own way?

  1. I have a friend that was homeless when we met. He ran away from home. I gave him a roof over his head and food for years. I offered to pay for him to go to therapy. But he just could never hold a job down for more than a couple months or even take care of himself. Sometimes he wouldn’t even eat unless I pushed him to. He still refuses to get help or talk to anyone. I know it hurts him too that he’s not able to find stability.

    He went through a lot of abuse when he was younger, so I get why being vulnerable to a therapist/ authority figure doesn’t feel safe after everything that’s happened to him. He went back to that house though because I couldn’t afford to keep supporting him. It makes me so sad. He’s a nice guy and crazy smart. He just isn’t ready to have help yet.

  2. Me continuing to procrastinate career-wise. I am not happy at my job.

    I don’t care about it. I don’t think I’m good at it anymore.

    I need a change…. and I have done nothing to pursue that change. It’s pitiful

  3. Someone I care about a lot absolutely refuses to let certain walls down, and so when you get too close, he goes nuclear, does hurtful shit, and we end up not speaking for a few years until we eventually repeat the cycle…

  4. Sadly, my boyfriend. He has all these goals and puts absolutely no action behind them. I’m not sure if he thinks his dream life is going to blow in on a warm breeze or what.

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