Always a risk to actually post here lol

I’m a 23M seeking a female partner (happy to hear from both sides ofc). In grad school this fall.

Since basically high school, the only girls I’ve gotten together with have been through OLD. I get the feeling that I could potentially have better success trying to find a partner in IRL settings, but I have actually never tried as an adult.

So i just wanna hear what are your thoughts. What’s working for you? What settings are appropriate? Like is it a good idea to cold approach women at bars (respectfully ofc), for example?

To be clear, any kind of adventure would be cool, but I do think I am interested in an actual relationship.

Thanks everybody

  1. Honestly, I didn’t meet any women outside of online dating. There’s always the possibility of meeting someone at a hobby like painting, dancing , hiking etc but most hobbies don’t interest me that have decent in person social circles. Im 21 for reference. Didn’t meet anyone at work or through school. I finally met my current girlfriend through a dating app that was catered to my specific corner in life which is religion.

    Some, not all dating apps are mainly a hookup type culture. Tinder, bumble, etc. Once i tried a dating app that was catered to me it worked tremendously well for me. Ive been with my girl for almost 6 months now and it’s been absolutely amazing.

    I encourage you to do both irl activities and online dating. just have fun with it and don’t take it to seriously. if you run into traffic trying to get hit all the cars will swerve and miss you. if you just wander out in the road enjoying the sun you’ll get absolutely smacked. what i’m saying is, don’t try super hard to look for love. sometimes it just finds you 🙂

  2. Yep, just from being out in public at various events and striking up conversations with women. Not everything led somewhere but maybe like 45% of the time?? Idk slightly less than half, and rarely were they ever weirded out just by me being friendly. At the very least you’re just being a chill dude talking to new people, possibly making new friends.

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