What is the most depressing realisation do you ever have in your life?

  1. If you won’t do it for yourself, no one will do it for you.

    Most people have enough on their plate and they can’t help you solve your life.
    So its on you to fix it, suck it up or find any way to deal with it.

  2. I still have to work longer than I have been alive before “retirement age” and that goal post I likely to continue to be moved further.

  3. The real monsters not being the ones we see being sent to jail but those we will never hear about

  4. As sad as it is to say, when I was like 10, I had to realise that nothing I did would make my biological father care about me.

  5. It does not matter how much you love a woman. It does not matter how faithful you are to a woman. It does not matter how much you provide for a woman. She can cheat on you and still take half of everything you worked for 24 years while she never worked outside of the home.

  6. My life is a blink in the Earth’s existence and the Earth will exist for a blink in the timeline of the Universe.I am a blink within a blink.

  7. All of the success stories that I heard as a kid and aspired to emulate made their moments while they were in their teens to 20s, and not only am I now past that point, but I never realized when I *was* at that age that I could have been building a career for myself.

  8. I think I’m going to end up being the guy a woman settles for cause I’m stable and “safe”, and I’m going to wake up in my late thirties or early fourties to a broken relationship cause my partner was never actually there because they love me or are attracted to me, but because of what I can provide.

    I keep being told, for almost a decade now, about how I’m such a great guy, and how safe I make people feel, and how comfortable everyone is with me, and how I have so many qualities people value in general and women value in partners especially… and noone has ever wanted me. It’s given me many great and genuine friendships, and I’m genuinely happy that people feel safe and comfortable around me. But I barely register as a sexual entity for most. I’ve been told variations of “I’d like a partner like you, but hot” so often. It’s soulcrushing. I’m a lot of good things. But I’m apparently also ugly and boring. Which seems to outweigh everything else, consistently.

  9. There’s 8 billion people on this earth that are able to do bad things to you.

  10. You get jobs if you have a fake, bubbly personality. Regardless of what degrees and experience you have.

    Management loves a slimy car salesmen type.

  11. My most depressing realization is that my depressing, friendless and loveless life is as good as it gets. Things will never change for me.

    Many told me things will definitely get better when I leave the nest and live alone. They didn’t, life was in fact worse. I lived alone for several years and there were even periods spanning over several weeks in which I didn’t talk to a single person.

    I’m 40 and still live with my mom. When she eventually passes away (nobody’s immortal), I’ll probably have a complete mental breakdown in a matter of weeks because there’s no one else in my life.

  12. Your worth lies in what you can provide. If you cannot provide, you are a burden

  13. That my family never cared about me as an actual person, they only feel anything towards me because we’re related.

  14. That modern society has literally been designed to keep you so busy and worried about tomorrow that you can’t enjoy today/take a God damn break.

  15. My best friend will never love me like that and I need to remove her from my life.

  16. You are alone no matter who is there and what they tell you, it’s just you

  17. Life generally doesn’t get much better. I’m going to spend more of my waking hours working/commuting to/from work, doing household chores, etc than I ever will spend doing stuff I *want* to do

  18. Even when you’re surrounded by loved ones, you’ll die alone. My aunt said this to me during one of her chemo treatments and it’s made me irrationally angry and depressed. Like why not just save them the heartache and blow my head off now? Fuck what a curse this is

  19. My mother was working herself to the grave, and she gave me all the signs that it was killing her years before it did.

  20. I’m almost 30 doing worse than I was at 16. That’s pretty depressing.

  21. My daughter is having a lot of questions recently about death. I think she finally got it the other day and it’s crushed me. She asked me if we only get to live once and I said yes and she got real quiet for a really long time. I think she felt finite for the first time in her life and I hate it.

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