Question primarily for the ladies.

At the end of a first date if you say “well this was fun” do you actually mean it? Are you trying to open the door for a response of “Yeah, we should do it again” ? Do you mean the opposite? Is it just filler? Is there some kind of code I’m missing?

I’ve heard “well this was fun” a lot (usually the date is just dinner and it happens as I’m walking her to her car) and I never know how to interpret it. It usually leads to second dates and often more, but sometimes fizzles out.

Edit: I’m 34m

  1. Not a lady….

    But the woman either was into you or she wasn’t at the end of a first date. If I’m unsure and not getting a clear sign, I just get out of there and shoot her a text later letting her know I was in and then….

    She either responds if she was feeling it or she doesn’t.

    Basically, you don’t need to interpret if it’s vague. You’ll get your answer soon anyway.

    The reason for the vagueness in my mind…. Is if it went bad she just wants to get out without sparking conflict. And if it went well, she’s not exactly going to tell you what she wants you to do in that moment. So both scenarios can look eerily similar.

  2. As a lady, when I say “well this was fun” at the end of a first date, it usually means I genuinely had a good time. It’s kind of like leaving the door open for potential future dates. But hey, everyone’s different, so don’t stress about interpreting it too much. Just go with the flow and see where things lead! Good luck, buddy!

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