In my college program I have a solid group of of a few friends but other half of the group are young and immature. Lately they have began to shun us for no apparent reason and will literally text each other standing two feet from each other when we get too close to them. How should I handle these people for the next year?

  1. It can be tough dealing with young and immature individuals in college

    It might be helpful to have an open conversation with them to address the situation and understand their perspective.

  2. Understand that they are only concerned with their bubble, and if they want to have and create issues that does not mean it has to be your issue. I would say politely ignore their shunning and realize it’s not worth the effort or energy. Hang out with people who do like you. You can’t be friends with everyone, and do you really want to be friends with these people?

    If you do value them, have patience. They may grow out of it.

  3. As a youngster, its a safety thing. The phone thing. Older people can frighten me, but if they’re sat, in an eased mood, focused on another task, and nonchalant and patient about explaining things to me. It helps.

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