I know the conventional wisdom is not to put shirtless photos on your profile, but I always assumed that was mirror selfies or other obvious show off pictures. What about when being shirtless is natural within the context?

I live in Florida where it is a hell hole of humidity outside, and I do most of my activities shirtless. Most of my best hobby photos are outdoors (running, volleyball), and a lot of my best social photos are also outdoors (beach, paddleboarding, on a boat, at the finish line with friends in a 5k race). All of them are shirtless. Even though it makes sense in the context of the photo, I don’t know if the general female population would perceive it that way.

For whatever it’s worth, I’m in shape and my body looks pretty good (not great but above average)., so it’s not like I’m flashing a beer gut. I’m a 36M, but my profiles do not do well. I don’t know if it is because of the photos or not.

Would you rather a guy have interesting photos where he’s shirtless (in a natural way) or boring photos but he’s fully dressed?

  1. The conventional wisdom [on reddit] is imo wrong. The demo here skews introvert, indoor kid, nerd, liberal, etc [no shade, this describes me]. If you’re a decent looking guy with a nice body and you post a shirtless pic of yourself playing volleyball, it can help you get attention [from the type of people who aren’t necessarily represented on Reddit].

  2. I think you stopped reading the convention wisdom but it’s if you’re doing something that it makes sense in context to put it in there. Just like a bikini photo for women (though that’s much more risky).

    Just don’t have every photo with your shirt off. One, maybe two at most.

  3. All I’ll say is when I was still using the apps, I noticed a significant increase in likes/matches when I added in a shirtless picture of myself at the beach on my profile. But like you said yourself, the context of the picture likely does play a part in how people perceive it. There’s a big difference between a “naturally” occurring shirtless pic where you’re in your swim trunks or doing an activity versus taking a shirtless selfie.

  4. I don’t mind shirtless photos or photos with a fish, I don’t even mind bathroom selfies

  5. As long as it is in the right context (i.e., not a mirror selfie), a shirtless photo can be fine. On of my profile photos shows me shirtless, but I’m on a paddle board in the middle of a lake. Because of the context, I’ve never gotten any complaints.

  6. 30s F in the sun belt – one or two outdoorsy shots are fine IMO. A whole profile with no shirt in sight? Not a great idea, even if you’re [Vaughn with the tiny nips.](https://community-sitcom.fandom.com/wiki/Vaughn_Miller)

    Edit for an additional thought: the types of photos you’re describing would be a bonus in my opinion if you’re visibility in shape. To me it would communicate you look the way you do from the hobbies and activities you do that don’t equate to hours and hours spent in the gym weekly. It provides context clues for how you spend your time.

  7. I think in that context is fine
    Shirtless photos in the bathroom flexing (usually more than one) not so fine.. at lease for me
    But different people different opinions

  8. Shirtless in a natural way is A-ok by me (35f). Shirtless mirror selfies – no thanks.

  9. I mean, if you have a hot bod show it off. As long as the photo is done with some tact I’d see it as a plus.

  10. The part that sticks out to me about your post isn’t that you have some shirtless pictures that are in the appropriate context, but that it sounds like _most_ of your good pictures are shirtless because most of your activities are in hot weather/outdoor conditions. Did I interpret that correctly? If so, I do think you should have some pictures of you fully clothed, lol. Maybe try a 50/50 split.

  11. As everyone else has said – shirtless in context (eg at the beach, with friends) absolutely ok, shirtless mirror selfies absolutely not

  12. One shirtless photo in context wouldn’t bother me but multiple photos would be a turn off.

  13. In FL they make perfect sense and shouldn’t be a turn off. Just make sure you have a couple clothed pics too.

  14. It’s ok when you’re near a body of water. But if you’re in your bathroom or bedroom I roll my eyes.

  15. lol what a great question. Man this is one of those situations where people virtue signal because that’s better than the truth.

    The truth is that if you are in decent or better shape..a proper context shirtless photo will get you more matches. At the beach..working out..doing something that would make sense for you to be shirtless..go ahead.

  16. Why would fully dressed photos be “boring”? Clothes make the man!🕺

  17. I have no problems with a shirtless pic that’s contextual. Beach, sports, etc? Sure.

    It’s the posing in the gym or bathroom mirror that’s off putting because it communicates – “my muscles are the most interesting thing about me/my main selling point”.

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