I recently turned 30, multiple people said to me “It’s downhill from here”, why?

  1. Cause you’ve gotta deal with them getting angry, shits up hill if you’ve got a good attitude and take care of yourself

  2. Because people are goobers who say things like that. It’s the equivalent of “working hard or hardly working?” And “living the dream”.

    Don’t read into it.

  3. Because they are unaware that people naturally become happier as they get older. Most people in their 50s are actually happier than at any point before that.

    Still reasonably fit. Maximum earning potential. Children launched. More free time.

  4. Your body stops giving you a free pass for a lifetime of neglecting your physical fitness.

    I work a mail route and see 60+ year old people moving around like they are still 20 and i see 30 year old people move around like they are already in assisted living.

    4 hours of lifting weights a week isnt some insane ask to make sure you live your best life as you age.

  5. I mean, it’s certainly true that your back will never quite be the same again, but in every other way I can think of my 30s have been better *by far* than my 20s.

  6. Theoretically it’s all downhill every single day you wake up, because you’re one day closer to death 😆

  7. 30 was when my life started getting a lot better. My career took off, I finished paying off student debt from my masters, finally could comfortably afford some nice cars, started contributing more seriously to retirement, had gotten married and bought a house by then, started trying for kids, life wasnt that hard before 30, but it took off after then. I may not have quite as much energy but if you stay active and push yourself, you can be close!

  8. Your 30s are phenomenal dude. You are still young, typically have more financial stability and maturity. Enjoy it, but start taking care of your body.

  9. No way. 30s are your 20s but not poor, more independent and you actually know what you want.

  10. A lot of men live quiet lives of desperation and their lives peak in their early 20s because of their shitty life choices and they want to project that onto you and everyone else…

    Most men over 30 hate their jobs, make just enough money to pay their bills, and go to Mexico once a year to an “all-inclusive” where they can get drunk for a week and forget how pathetic their lives have become, they’re 50+lbs overweight, their joints are inflamed, their wives are unattractive and bitches at them constantly, she doesn’t want to f#$k them but doles out pity sex once a month if he’s a “good boy” and cuts the lawn, and they have ungrateful/spoiled kids who rob them of any small amount of energy they might have left over after working their soul-crushing job at the end of the day…

    That’s the reality for a lot of men, so yes…life after 30 sucks for those men…

    Your life doesn’t need to be that way…focus on yourself, choose a path in life that excites you and brings meaning to your life, chose a woman you actually love, and don’t settle on the first woman who will have you, workout, travel, eat well, have hobbies, create a vision for your life and then go out and create that life…

    If you do that then life can be great into your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond! I know a lot of men in their 50s and 60s who are having a blast in life! they love the life they’ve created and they thrive…be those men

    OR…let society dictate your goals, get a soul-crushing job, settle on a woman you’re luke warm about and live a shit life after 30

  11. My 30s have been the best time of my life. Still physically in as good shape as my 20s, but a lot wiser and now have the money to do all the stuff I wanted to do in my 20s but couldn’t afford to

  12. Because a lot of people peaked real early on. They project that on to the rest of us.


    They are the ones who tell people that high school was the best years of their lives.

  13. 30s were a massive eye opener for me. 20s was about partying and living it up. 30s was about securing financial stability, finding love/ marrying, and starting a family.

    You can still party it up here and there, but health and longevity become more of a priority. You go from every weekend with the boys to select weekends throughout the year, but they are doing the same thing so those weekends are amazing.

    Plus you have more money. You have more experience. You look better, usually. And you finally get to say ‘back in my day…’ when speaking to the Tik-Tok generation. It’s great.

  14. Because back in the day by 30 your body was beat to shit and the average US life expectancy was mid 60s in the 1950s-1970s so you were basically halfway dead and shpuld expect your body to start falling apart

    Now 30s are like the new 20s for a lot of people – people take better care of themselves and the Average US life is nearing 80…. so really it doesnt make much sense

    Im 33 in the best shape ive been in and having a ball with life

  15. – They already ruined their bodies
    – They promised themselves better but decided that it’s too late despite still being young
    – They “fucked around and found out” as the kids these days call it, now they worry that the consequences are for forever
    – They’re shallow and only care about looks, believing they were peak attractiveness in their 20s

    Generally just boils down to attitude

  16. The peak years of fun and irresponsibility are behind you.

    You will work until you’re 62-66 on average and only 40% of Americans take at least 1 vacation a year.

    Life expectancy for a man is about 73, so you’ll start to see more and more signs of decay as you approach and cross the halfway point.

  17. Physically, they are correct. Tweaks that took a day to heal become weeks and months long things.

    Aside from that, your 30s are kind of like your 20s but with more money… and responsibility.

  18. It’s downhill from about age 4 but we hold off on telling folks until they hit 30

  19. That’s their experience, but from my own experience I have yet to peak, I’m continuing to grow.

    I will say though, growing is a lot harder after 30. Your back hurts. Knees hurt. Bad joints, cartilage. You can’t stay up all night and be fine. You’re tired a lot more. Low energy. Your brain is slower.

    Growing old does indeed suck. But you can either adjust and figure out solutions and alternative methods. Or you can just complain.

    Just for instance. I take a lot of vitamins and supplements and moisturize and exercise and eat healthy. A lot of people tell me I look like I am in my late twenties. I’m over 35.

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