So I know for most men its routine to open a bottle after work to wind down. What is the number of beers that stays in the normal range and what is the number per night that you would think you friend is alcoholic\`?

✍️ EDIT.

So lets start with Im not talking about me but my bf. On hes workweek he gets home about 11 pm – 1 am opens a beer and by the morning he has had up to 6 beers or 8 to 12 little cans while hes gaming. He also smokes weed.

When he has week off then he goes to play dicgolf and opens one mid day. If he does not do that then he just get’s together with friends and they drink outside until 11 pm – 1 am.

I don’t want to be the gf who throws words around and greates drama because I like peace but lately I feel like walking away

  1. I’m declaring two. Two five per cent beers. Not two Voodoo Ranger tall cans. Best to skip nights though just to know you can.

  2. I think if you need alcohol to wind down every single day, you have a problem

  3. There’s some good research out there that there’s *no* level of safe drinking, but the official recommendation is going to be 1-2 per day.

  4. I wouldn’t say drinking after work everyday is all that common anymore, at least with people under the age of 50 or so. I usually only drink on the weekend and even then it’s very rare for me to have more than one or two unless I’m at an event or something. I probably average 3 or 4 drinks a week.

  5. >so I know for most men it’s routine to open a bottle after work to wind down

    Who’s gonna tell him?

    For your question… no amount of alcohol is good for you. Drinking any amount of alcohol every day will have serious impact on your sleep and hormones

  6. Used to work with two Mexicans in a kitchen and they would buy a 20’pack and split it between them. That’s 10 beers a night 6 nights in a row

    It was crazy

  7. Every night? Too much. Try to stay within once or twice a week and probably around 2-3 cans max

  8. None. Drinking daily isn’t good. Even a beer every evening is a habit. Personally I have 4-6 drinks a month. Sometimes it’s 1-2 a week or others I’ll go out and have them all in one evening. I’d say no more than 2 a max of 3x a week unless it’s a special occasion.

  9. The typical recommendation is no more than seven 12 oz alcoholic beverages in a 7 day week, ingesting no more than 1-3 in one day. I prefer 1 or 2 every 2-5 days, on average. You might try the occasional sober day, as nightly drinking, even “just one” can add up on you, “death by 1000 cuts” style.

  10. Naw bro, after work I’m pretty tired and can fall asleep just fine without alcohol

  11. Most men absolutely do not open a bottle after work

    Drinkers do. Most people are not drinkers.

  12. IMO, the best definition of an alcoholic is a person who needs the drink vice one who wants a drink.

  13. I think realistically some places would classify this person as an alcoholic based on that level of consumption. In my opinion, the real indicators are
    -Does it impact your day to day life (spending too much money on alcohol, drunk at work, social relationships, etc)
    -Does it impact your health (known health issues correlated to or suspected correlation to alcohol consumption)
    If the answer is no, I think 1-2 beers per night is totally fine. I can’t imagine it’s much worse for you than 1-2 cans of sugar soda per night.

  14. >So I know for most men its routine to open a bottle after work to wind down.

    Obligatory I’m a woman so feel free to downvote/ignore me but in my years of dating around, I dated many, many men. Smart men, sweet men, hard-working men. Lots of them.

    **Not one, and I mean NOT ONE, had a routine of “opening a bottle after work to wind down.”**

    I think you’re massively overestimating how common this is. Maybe it’s cultural, but at least in the US where I am, and in the several states I’ve lived in, I wouldn’t say this is “most men” at all.

  15. routine isn’t to need to unwind with alcohol every day my guy. just once or twice a week and I only have one or two max at that. Needing to unwind every day with alcohol is alcoholism.

  16. My dad drinks 1 or 2 a night and had high blood pressure. His doctor told him to stop drinking, and guess what his blood pressure went up. He doctor told him, “Well, I guess, start drinking again”

  17. Ah my time to shine. Got a DUI that led aa/therapy etc. Point being healthy drinking according to medical professionals is as follows:
    2 max a day for men
    1 max a day for women.
    14 drinks a week for men.
    7 a week for women.

    No you cannot have all 14 at once that was the problem.

    If you cant hold yourself to a 2 drink max 90% of the time then you most likely have a problem. (Wedding and specials occasions are understandable)

    If you drink to get away from certain aspects of your life or to deal with things you most likely have a problem.

    However if you like me used to get out of hand but want to be able to enjoy alcohol in a healthy manner then you need discipline and desire. Its harder when your culture and family normalize drinking to excess like mine does but it is doable.

    Also dont drive…just dont.

  18. Well shit bro, how many ya got? I can pick up another case on the way over.

  19. Any time questions like this are brought up Reddit seems to think damn near any amount of alcohol consumed makes you an alcoholic and I really get a kick out of it

  20. Beer once a week for me, ideally less frequent than that. Alcohol has lost its appeal after my college days

  21. You can Google this. 1 per night for women, two for men. Otherwise you run the risk of certain medical issues.

  22. >So I know for most men its routine to open a bottle after work to wind down.

    Is it though?


    >What is the number of beers that stays in the normal range and what is the number per night that you would think you friend is alcoholic`?

    Every single night? Just one. If you can’t go 24 hours without cracking a cold one, that’s certainly a problem. You don’t need to be getting sloshed till you black out to be an alcoholic.

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