We went to my dream destination for 10 days and had a great time, lots of affection and so on.

The day we got back she broke up with me. We had some issues, I was mostly responsible for not communicating well, but we have hashed things out over long conversations after breaking up.

She wants to get back together, and so do I. But I feel like I have lost trust in her. I don’t know if I’m being unreasonable and stupid about it, because after all, we have solved our problems together now. Am I letting a stupid thing get in the way? I have also read that 1/3 of married couples have broken up, so maybe it doesn’t mean she will do it again if we stick to what we have now agreed to? I never want to go through a divorce.

  1. You’re not seeking advice – you have already addressed your relationship problems with communication, which is exactly what you should do – you’re seeking reassurance for your anxieties about ootential bad things in the future. Get a psychotherapist for that; you can’t predict or control what other people will do or what will happen in the future, and you need to be able to accept that.

    You both want to get back together, so do that. Communicate about disagreemebts and problems before they get to the point of someone breaking up. If you can’t do that consistently, then break up for good at that point.

  2. She broke up with you the day you got back from vacation – Did she give you a reason?

    Where did she go for the two weeks you were apart?

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