How often do you eat at fastfoods ?

  1. Basically never, for like McDonalds or that sort of thing. Fast casual like Chipotle? Every so often

  2. It depends what you mean by fast food. If you’re talking McDonald’s caliber, maybe a couple times a year. If you mean Chipotle/Sweetgreen fast casual, 2-3 times a week.

  3. A few times a week (2-4 depending on the week generally), but what “fast food” means is kinda tough to pin down. I just think of fast food as anything with a drive through.

    If I eat a burger made from fresh locally sourced ground beef, on a locally sourced bun that I made on my stove, that’s not fast food. But if I get it from the place down the street it is. We got the stuff from the same place, and made it the same way, but one is “eating fast food” and the other isn’t. Same with a deli sandwich on some fresh baked bread. Same with some fried chicken. etc etc. So, it’s kind of a weird line in the sand to try to draw any useful conclusions from.

    Regardless, with 3 teenage kids, there is always at least a night or two a week where it simply makes the most sense to grab food from somewhere (or have it delivered) instead of taking the time to make something ourselves.

  4. I try to limit it as much as I can, but there have been times where I have eaten it as a last resort option.

    There are, however, some exceptions where I have gone out of my way to eat at fast food places, such as In-N-Out many times after I arrive back in California from abroad.

  5. About once a month, unless you consider pizza.

    We get pizza every Friday night.
    The once a month is usually emergency five guys.

  6. If you count Dunkin Donuts, maybe twice a month. Without DD, maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

  7. Shit I mean in college it was the staple of drunk food. Now, I barely get it once biweekly. Really just chick fil a and culvers if any at all

    Does jimmyjohns count tho? Bc I probably get that once a week delivered to me at the office

  8. once or twice a week. Spending $10 on the way back from a long hike for a McChicken & McDouble isn’t that bad and ties me over until I can destroy a box of salad when I get home.

  9. To answer that question, I would need to know what fast food means.

    A large multinational chain that makes burgers, maybe twice a year.

    My local banh mi, samosa, taco truck, or noodle house that has my food ready in five minutes, twice a week.

  10. If we are traveling on a weekend, once on the way up (dinner) and once on the way home (lunch). If we need to run errands during the school week, there is a good chance we get fast food since making dinner and eating takes 1-2 hours and our daughter’s bedtime is 7. Not a lot of time after work/school.

  11. Highly variable, but too much. At least a couple of times a week. But I like hamburgers.

  12. I haven’t been to one since the pandemic. I started to take cooking seriously and that’s basically all I eat now. I’ve been to a few restaurants but no fast food.

  13. Rarely. I’m big on home cooked food. I’d rather make something with fresh ingredients 95% of the time.

    The other 5% of the time, I’m so beat from work that I just can’t. Usually month end tbh since i’m in sales.

  14. I get mdonalds breakfast a couple times a week…2 sausage mcmuffins and tea sweetened with splenda. It just hits right for breakfast.

    Other than that maybe some Wendys every once in awhile. Usually if I eat non homemade lunch I go to one of many tiny taquierias within like half a mile for street tacos. Cheap, delicious, somewhat healthier.

  15. Maybe twice a week, usually fast casual bowl type stuff rather than true fast food

  16. We eat out 1-2 times a week and of those we go to a fast food places probably once every 3 weeks

  17. Probably 3-4 times a week. I have a mobile service business and can get pretty dirty so a regular restaurant is out.

  18. Very rarely, and I really haven’t in years. Not that I won’t go somewhere nicer and demolish a burger and fries, I’m just completely grossed out at this point by the super processed fast food stuff. Plus I like to cook now, so eating or ordering out is usually more of a treat, so I want something quality.

  19. McDonald’s nuggets are a good source of protein after lifting weights, so at least once a week tbh

  20. I prefer restaurants over fast food. Especially ethnic restaurants but I do have some fast food when I have to. I ate fast food twice this month but then I didn’t have any for about 5 months before that. We do eat pizza more often because when children come visit it’s an essay meal they all like but we never order dominos or Pizza Hut. We get fresh pizza from pizza parlors.

    I think is hard to define fast food because it’s really changed. Lots of new places have come out meeting a need for healthier foods that are in between fast food and restaurants. Like chipotles or paneras. They are both committed to using higher quality ingredients. So you have to be more specific.

  21. According to this thread, no one goes to fast food, so who are the people that do?

  22. A couple of times a week, for sure. These comments make me feel bad haha

  23. Just an FYI, most of the contributors on this sub wanna distance themselves from the “fat American” stereotype so you will get hundreds of false and misleading answers. It’s alot higher than people here make it out to be.

  24. Probably once or twice a week. There’s a Del Taco super close to my house and I can get a breakfast or regular burrito for less than $2 that will keep me full for at least half the day. Hard to beat that price per calorie.

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