I’m not trying to date this person or start anything too serious. I was genuinely interested in being friends.

I love making simple short videos for fun and I met this super interesting person online. We have so much in common it’s mind-blowing. She’s literally the first person I meet that has this much in common with me. And they are also a musician just like me.

I liked their songs, and I started just making a video for fun for my favorite song off their album. I didn’t finish it immediately, but I was just slowly working on it for fun.

We were honestly having super interesting and LOOOONG discussions together. It was so much fun and evidently we were both having a good time talking about deep stuff and exchanging long messages.

But me being socially awkward and having had my social skills butchered during the pandemic and ALSO being SOOO excited about having a new friend, I ended up doing something too rash and impulsive. Right after my last message (which was in reply to her last message), I followed up after 15 hours with a message saying something like this:

>”Hey, by the way, would you **feel like** going for a coffee and chat this week or next one? I love talking to you and you have such unique interests. And I’m sorry I don’t want to be rude or inconsiderate by requesting this, and don’t want to come across as a random stranger online, I apologize if it comes across like that. I also noticed I don’t have so many photos of me on my Instagram account since I’m not really that active as a poster, but I’ve added some new photos, so you can take a look and see who it is you’re really meeting (of course if you are up for meeting up at all). ”

Now it’s been 8 days, no answers from this person. Neither to this message, nor to my previous message which was just our regular daily long discussion.

I’m willing to wait for 2 weeks, but if they don’t respond by then I want to at least give it another try. Maybe they were so busy (exam season?) or had other things.

But I am not sure about the best response?

Should I send them the video I made just like nothing has happened:

>”Hey I finished working on this. I loved your song so much and I usually make a lot of these videos for fun. I got inspiration from your song and made it”

Or something like

>”I’m sorry for killing off the conversation. I really enjoyed talking to you. I didn’t want that come across wrongly. I apologize. I was just a bit excited for maybe making a new friend who shares so many things in common with me. Pandemic has kinda changed everthing and I guess I rushed into this. Please don’t take it the bad way.”

  1. Yeah the last message you sent was maybe a little bit weird. It was like you were having a whole conversation without her. It would have been better if you just ended it after the second sentence. That said, it was still a sweet and thoughtful message so I wouldn’t feel bad about it. I would definitely follow up and see if everything is alright. I’d send the video and say that there’s no need to meet up if they don’t want to.

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