So if I’m on a phone call or on discord with my friends while gaming, he will get all over me and touch me. If I’m gaming, he will try to make me lose by doing this as well. If I wasn’t in multiplayer, I wouldn’t care cause I could pause it but he does this on games where I’m gaming with friends or an unpauseable game in general.

Just to be clear I always check with him if he wants to do anything when he comes in and I will hop off. But he will say no then I am in the middle of the game and he will randomly want to do something then. Then when I say no I’m in the middle of something, he will start being obnoxious.

When I’m on phone calls he will do anything to make me get off which is annoying.

So the only time I can really game with friends or talk to them in general is when he’s not home or I’m hanging out with them irl. He’s fully admitted to knowing about his behavior.

What do I do? I give all my attention to him nonstop but recently since I really got back into gaming lately I’ve noticed this is an ongoing behavior

  1. He sounds like a damn child at 29 y.o. If I’m you I’d run away pretty quickly

  2. Have you told him directly how frustrating this behavior is? If you have, and he still is doing this, then I don’t know what to tell you. If he won’t listen to your request for the bare minimum of cohabitating etiquette, then he clearly doesn’t have much respect for you.

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