My boyfriend plays games after work as a way to chill out and unwind. I always support him, and really happy for him that he has his way to unwind after work and relax. He has other hobbies, such as model painting, sketching, and reading. Lately, last few months, he’s only been playing video games, and not doing any of the other hobbies. Again, I respect that, and I never ever judge him, I just hope he’s happy and able to unwind. He usually plays from getting home, until almost bed time. When it’s ‘almost bed time’, we usually talk for 30 minutes or so. It’s only started to bother me this week, where we’re in a middle of a conversation (over text), during the last 30 mins of the day, he’s been saying, give me a few minutes, I’m still in a game. Okay no worries. After about 40 minutes of waiting, I’m tired, I go to sleep. This happened again last night, and I got mad at him, I said why tell me you’ll answer in a few mins, which turns into over 40 mins of waiting, then it gets late and there’s no point continuing the conversation. He plays online with his mates.

I have told him I feel as if his mates get more attention than I do, and that lately they’re a priority. I have also told him I am worried for him with the amount of games he plays and have tried to make sure he is happy. He always replies saying, if he read as much books as he played games, I would complain he is addicted to books, etc. I’m not sure what to do, he really doesn’t see my side. Am I being irrational here?

  1. You’re seeing it, pay attention. Don’t ask for anything or any attention and see what he does, give it a month. He’s shown you the priority and it’s not you. Does he grocery shop, meal plan, meal prep, cook, wash dishes, scrub the floors and toilet, wash, dry, fold and put laundry away?

    Do you go on cute dates? What effort does he put into your life together? You’ve got all the answers and you think he just doesn’t understand what you need, honey, he wants to do the least work possible and still have a bang maid.

  2. Thing is, people do actually get addicted to gaming. They’re designed to keep you coming back. Books are not quite designed the same way. Yes, bolls are good and compelling, but not the same.

    If I was with someone who spent every single evening gaming from when they got home to when they went to bed, I’d be pretty over it.

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