I matched with a guy on a dating app a year ago. When he saw me he said wow as if he found me attractive. And we’ve been having sex since August of last year sometimes he would even ask me to come over. When we first had sex he said he loved my breasts which are huge. But none of these models he follows on Facebook have breasts like mine.

Yet I see where he likes skinny models on his Facebook page. He only follows pages that feature skinny chicks. I don’t see where he’s following pages of women who look like me. (His ex-wife is also skinny) So it’s obvious I’m not really his type physically. So why has he been having sex with me for this long?

Like why would he even like me on the dating app in the first place knowing he’s not even attracted to me physically?

  1. A guy can like multiple body types. Let’s say he absolutely does have a preference for skinny women like you say. That doesn’t mean he would never find other women with a different body type attractive.

  2. You are making an assumption. If he said he was attracted to you (“Wow!”) and he’s been having sex with you for a year, he is attracted to you. You may not be his general type but that does not mean he is not attracted to you.

  3. Honestly for me physical attraction has a minimum bar and idk where’s that but as long as my partner are willing to indulge me in my kinks /fantasy or know how to make my brain melt they’re like the hottest person for me in that moment (im a guy btw)

  4. As someone else already said. You’re making an assumption. Whatever you think about him doesn’t have to be true just because you think it is.

    As the saying goes, there’s plenty of fish in the sea. If he isn’t attracted to you, he wouldn’t be having sex with you, he would be out there trying to get with someone he does find attractive. I know all of this seems so logical to you, but it isn’t. We eat because we’re hungry. We go to bed because we’re tired. We have sex with someone because we’re attracted to that person. Stop comparing yourself to the “models” and realize that he’s fucking you, not them. Why should you care?

  5. My body preference wasn’t my wife’s body type but doesn’t mean I didn’t think she was attractive. She was very attractive and as I got to know her she became even more attractive. Because I was attracted to her as a person. You’re making a conclusion, that he’s not attracted to you, without any actual evidence. Just because he likes to look at a certain type on Facebook doesn’t actually mean he doesn’t find you attractive. The only conclusion you can draw from that is he likes looking at those type of women. That’s it. That’s like if you see someone looking up pancake recipes and you were like “why don’t you like waffles?” You can’t draw conclusions that way. Let me tell you something. He’s attracted to something. Whether it’s your body or your mind or your personality. He’s attracted. Guy who aren’t don’t sleep with women they aren’t attracted to for a year. A few times maybe. But not an entire year. I would talk to him about it. Tell him how it makes you feel.

  6. I prefer tall (170 cm+) and fit (gym type) woman with long legs.

    But I’m also attracted to some girls that don’t fit into this requirements, because of the “chemistry”.

    It’s totally normal

  7. Have you tried talking to him? If he’s just using you it’s because you let him. But the alternative is he is attracted to you. You should discuss what you and he both think of the relationship and where you’re both at.

  8. You’re making a lot of assumptions. He hasn’t said he’s not attracted to you.

  9. I used to have a preference for conventionally attractive jock / preppy guys. Clean shaven, short hair, dressed nice, spoke like they owned the room.

    Then I met this ruggedly handsome, dirty rocker musician guy with long hair and tattoos who I never thought I would have fallen for in a million years. But when he asked me out, i said yes. There was just something about him that I found… *interesting*.
    As of this month, that guy and I have been married for 7 years. Everything I thought I didn’t like before? I love on him. Beard? Hot. Long hair? Hot. Tattoos? Hot.
    Do I still find guys that look like Chris Evans (Captain America) hot? I do, but that doesn’t change what I’ve found with my husband.
    Do I find my husband’s musician friends and acquaintances attractive? Not in the least. But obviously I’m still head over heels in love with my husband.

    You not being his normal preference means *nothing*. There might just be *something special* about you that draws him to you that makes *you* in particular attractive to him where other girls built similarly wouldn’t be. Though your story makes him sound a little conflicted since you said he wanted to get more serious but then changed his mind and apologized.
    If you like him and he likes you maybe you shouldnt get in your own way.

  10. If he is having sex with you, then i would say he of attracted to you. Maybe he thinks he is into the smaller girls but is lying to himself and really likes bigger girls more or is just more open then he knows. Either that or it’s just that he is ok with any sex he is getting regardless of looks

  11. Obviously the sex is great and it’s different! If you weren’t doing things right I can tell you he didn’t be

  12. He might really like your face or body, and sometimes you just feel attracted to someone outside your body type

    I’m gonna disagree with others saying to ask him, this puts him in a very akward position. You could maybe ask what he finds attractive in a flirty way. If he is showing interest in sex just trust it and gave fun

  13. So. I have a fwb who is physically not my type. But he’s great in bed AND the biggest plus point for me is that he lives 5 mins away….. if he didn’t live so near by, I’m not sure I’d make the effort.

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