Not being sexist because I know guys do this too- but seriously these people have made me feel special, made me not even want to think about talking to other people, but then I’m always just an option. I hate dating.

I know I get too attached but Jesus is anyone ok with monogamy anymore

  1. If someone is dating around and not in a relationship, they’re still monogamous.

    When you meet someone for the first time, do you ask if they date around? If not, I’d start doing that.

  2. Maybe you need to start by having a very honest discussion about how each of you defines monogamy and go from there.

  3. Monogamy happens after you’ve both agreed to be monogamous. Expecting it before that isn’t rational.

    Talking about what you want from things is perfectly fine from a first date perspective. Are you looking for something serious, something not.

  4. Look 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅 we still insecure and interested. Unless you defined the relationship you can’t hate on girls who are talking to other guys.

  5. If you haven’t offered her monogamy then she doesn’t owe you any exclusivity. It is very normal to date around as you find qualities in people you’re attracted to and compatible with.

    By getting involved I assume you mean going on dates. Yeah, there’s no reason for her to commit to you when you’re still strangers, and you also haven’t asked her to be in a relationship. The only reason you should be upset is if your official girlfriend is speaking to other men.

  6. Sounds like a personality disorder. I have BPD and can spot these women a mile away. If things go too quickly in the beginning and she expressed extreme vulnerability, almost as if she wants you to save her then she’ll probably ruin your life later down the line. She needs you to want her and that’s it.

  7. Do you talk to them about being exclusive with them?

    Do they agree and then they are cheating?

    Do they say they don’t want to be exclusive and you continue dating anyway?

    Do you avoid the conversation and assume that you’re exclusive and create stories in your head only to be disappointed?

    The only thing you can control is yourself. The fact that this keeps happening to you means it’s a pattern, and the only way to break the pattern is to interrupt it and make a change.

  8. Expressing insecurity and needing reassurance before you’re exclusive is a sign they won’t be a great gf. Too much drama. When you’re talking to a girl and she acts like this it should be a sign to pursue other options.

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