very long but i (24F) have a really close friend (23M) and i think I might be ruining our friendship? we met years ago (2017) and started off in a bit of a talking stage and definitely had major chemistry/liked each other but lived in different places so nothing came of it. We just kinda evolved into friends and talked pretty much every day for a couple of years, but his ex started coming back in the picture and didn’t want him to talk to me anymore so we didn’t speak for about a year or so.

A couple of years ago we ran into each other and started talking every day again like nothing happened. We’re almost never in the same place and we’ve always been flirtatious but in mostly a joking way and one thing we’ve always done is talk super openly about other people we were seeing/hooking up with etc. and gave each other advice.

Fast forward to the last month or so and we were finally in the same area and hung out a couple of times one weekend with other friends and (according to everyone around us) were completely inseparable the whole time we were all out. It was kinda surprising that we were only paying attention to each other bc one thing we’ve always joked about is how we get in trouble in relationships bc we flirt with people too much and “fall in love” with different people every time we go out. Apparently everyone we were around actually assumed we were dating bc of our body language, and when a I told a few people that we were just friends they were shocked and I thought it was funny and joked about it with him a lot.

We ended up hooking up for the first time since 2017 that weekend and everything still seemed normal, but the next weekend we ended up going on an overnight trip alone to see a concert together and hooked up again a couple of times. It definitely got kinda romantic at points and I had an incredible time but during a lot of the trip I felt a kinda weird tension between us almost like he didn’t know if he was allowed to be “romantic” with me or touch me etc. I actually brought it up while I was drunk that night and he said he was nervous about making me uncomfortable and then I straight up asked what he felt was going on between us. We both agreed that we obviously have a very serious emotional connection and a mutual attraction but neither of us are interested in a relationship (he’s emotionally recovering from a breakup and I honestly just enjoy being single). We also don’t live in the same state so *i* left that convo feeling like everything was normal and that nothing between us had changed.

Fast forward to the last couple of weeks and I think that …something between us changed. I still talk with him like I always did about other guys n our antics and he’s seemed kinda shady about it recently? Like joking about being jealous and he’s never done that before, but I know that he’s told me over the years that he can be jealous and insecure about girls he likes. It’s a little annoying bc even though I obviously have feelings for him to an extent, exploring anything other than friendship when we’re not together is pointless. I also know (or maybe assume) he’s planning on hooking up with other girls in the future and is super active on dating apps and I genuinely don’t care. The only boundary I set was that if we’re together physically we shouldn’t hook up with other people around each other and he agreed. I also at one point asked if it was weird for him when I talked about other guys (bc I can totally respect that) but he just ignored that and started talking about something else.

I’ve always been incredibly oblivious when it comes to recognizing when guys actually like me and have actually lost a couple of friends over the years after making out with/hooking up w them bc I don’t think it’s a big deal and they ended up being hurt. He’s one of my favorite people to talk to and spend time with so I really don’t want to ruin it, but I also don’t know if I’m just overthinking things or if he actually has more feelings for me than I thought.

TL;DR—a good friend and I hooked up a few times and acknowledge that we’re attracted to each other but there’s no possibility of a relationship between us. I thought our friendship would stay the same, but now I’m worried that I might have misread his feelings and now I think he might actually like me more than I thought and want to know if I might just be overthinking the situation

1 comment
  1. Why is a relationship out of the table?
    Even tough you live far away it seems like you could make it work.

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