What’s wrong with you 😭😂Why don’t you just work? !!! Almost daily I read posts here about co-workers pursue their spouses , people cheat with co-workers .Say it out loud workplace to work 🔊🔊🔊 not to sex , It’s not prostitution .

Honestly I am not married, but these posts scare me from marriage. I do not want to lose my marriage just because of work

  1. The combination of frequent close quarters and people at work dressing and acting the part means that you have to prioritize your own relationship and be intentionally unavailable.

    I totally get why people fuck this up though. They are face to face with sexy and charming people day in and day out and people have weak constitution.

    The first time I ran into this was at a business summit and a married female friend of mine was a little tipsy so I walked her back to her hotel room. She flat out told me I could sleep in her bed if I wanted to. I was single but still turned her down. She was an insanely hot older woman and it took all my willpower to walk away.

    I’ve been to many of these events and stuff like this constantly happens.

  2. Why do you think corporations are putting so much emphasis in internal rules?
    It’s not necessarily people, it’s the place and context.
    Workplaces, for the most part is where you see the best of people, highly combative energy and exhilerating outcomes.
    Of course if you mix men who are high performers and women who like protection for 10h straight per day, 5 days a week, something is bound to happen at one moment if people have low morals. It’s literally a fuck-fest cauldron, and there is no way around that besides keeping your feet on the ground and understanding what you see at work is not what people are in real life.

  3. Had a guy tell me at work “first thing you look for is if she has a ring, then you look and see if she’s happily married.” Dude was a sleaze

  4. I have my wedding ring that I wear to work – I work with primarily women in a medical office and the one male in my office is happily married to a manager at a sister site, but when I have to go to conferences, I break out the big ass wedding stack you can see from outer space. It’s a combination of my wedding ring and obnoxiously large blings from AliExpress.

    It glitters enough to either suggest that I’m a spoiled princess or that I am out of their price range. The number of men that attempt non-professional conversations with me now lingers at zero.

    Professionals that want to have a professional conversation aren’t swayed or scared away because we look to exchange information, not a one night stand.

    It’s a win-win.

  5. There was a woman at my husband’s previous job who got in trouble because she was often fratenizing inappropriately with the (married) males at work . She’s married and has kids. Little kids. I don’t understand it ?!

  6. Seriously, you aren’t betrayed by the coworker, you are betrayed by the spouse.

    Don’t get twisted.

  7. I have a question… What is it will all of these “conventions”, going on “business trips”, etc. Are all of these “necessary”?

    I know different industries may require something like this for various reasons but I would really like some answers here.

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