I (24F) share an apartment with a roommate (42M) and his dog (3M). We all get along great, so this is kind of a minor issue, but I thought I’d ask for opinions.

I moved in about 4 months ago, when a friend of mine (30M) was moving out and looking for a replacement. It is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. My roommate (42M) has the master bedroom with attached bathroom, and I have the smaller bedroom and the bathroom that is outside in the hallway. I pay slightly less than half the rent because my room is smaller.

The issue is that when he has guests over, they use my bathroom. This includes his friends as well as a girl that he has invited over a few times to cook dinner (I don’t think they are actually dating yet, but they obviously like each other).

I told him about this, and he said it would be weird for guests to go into his bedroom, and therefore they should use the outside bathroom.

Am I justified in being upset about this? I feel like he has his own bathroom, so I should have mine too. I don’t have a problem with the girl, since I agree it might be weird for him to tell her to go into his room, but I don’t want his random friends (most of which are guys his age) using my bathroom.

Any advice on how to handle this?

tl;dr: Roommate’s friends use my bathroom.

  1. Eh it’s the outside, essentially house bathroom. I think that’s part of paying less and having the shorter end of the more available bathroom stick. I’d be cool about it. Maybe he pays for cleaning supplies?

  2. You’re perfectly correct. *His* guests can use *his* bathroom. If he isn’t comfortable enough to have a guest *he* invited walk through his bedroom to get to his bathroom, then he should not invite that person over.

  3. It’s pretty standard that the house bathroom is used by guests rather than an ensuite. Unless there’s a lot of traffic and people are leaving a mess it’s better to just let it go.

  4. It’s just the house bathroom, not “your” bathroom.

    Unless the bathroom is an ensuite, it’s the general-use bathroom.

  5. We I was in a similar situation but it’s like this…you have access to a bathroom but your not paying for a private bathroom tho, so that’s why is cheaper

  6. Because it is the “house” bathroom I guess it is OK for guests to use it but you should be paying significantly less rent rent so I hope it’s a significant amount of money to have a smaller bedroom and have to share the bathroom with his guests. He should also clean it when his guests use it.

  7. Unfortunately commenters are right, typically your bathroom would be considered the general use one.

    However, if you’re paying only slightly less than half the rent for a smaller room, I think you’re not unjustified in asking that the bathroom be yours. Doesn’t seem it would be that weird for his guy friends at least to use his bathroom. Otherwise you should be paying significantly less than half the rent as a personal bathroom for his use alone is a pretty big amenity.

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