I think I severely lack conversational and social skills. I’m in my twenties now and I still don’t know what is considered normal and what isn’t, when I’m talking too much or too little, what the right thing to say is, or how to maintain conversation and when to let it end. I’m very embarrassed to even admit all this.

I’m talking to someone these days and I like this person and enjoy talking to them but I only very recently got to know them. We don’t really know eachother very well yet and I’m not able to gauge what this person thinks of me at all, so I’m really confused.

This isn’t the first time this is happening either. I do have friends but I struggle to make new ones. I’m afraid I’ll always be this way and everyone else around me always seems to know exactly what to do and what to say when. How does one overcome this? Do people actually always know?

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