For a little context I (20TransM) grew up in an abusive household in the Northeast. My partner (20M), we’ll call them “S” grew up in a very healthy loving Southern household. We’ve been together going on 4yrs and Married for about 6months.

So, my birthday is coming up soon and I’ve never had a birthday cake. In all 20yrs I’ve never had a party, celebration, cake, or anything. This genuinely upsets S. They told me they wanted to start celebrating my birthday because they want me to love my birthday too. S then went on to ask me why I prioritize everyone else’s birthday and make sure it’s special but then with mine…nothing. I honestly never thought about it before. S is going all out for it too. S is getting a cake specially customized for me and they said they have two gifts for me and…well, I’ve never had a gift either. They wanted to get us a hotel room as well, but unfortunately all hotels are sold out around where we wanted due to a large event going on. I’m honestly actually…excited about my birthday.
We’ve had multiple discussions before about certain things I believed were normal due to abuse and this was one of them. Anytime we have these conversations S is always kind and gentle about it. Anywho, I just, I’m so damn lucky!

  1. S sounds like a wonderful spouse! I’m so glad you have such a supportive partner now!

    Go enjoy your birthday!

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