A while back I ended a relationship after I found out my partner has been lying to me constantly for a long period of time. He lied to me about EVERYTHING, even on weird things to lie about like the hour he woke up. I was in a spiral of hating everyone and not trusting anybody for a good few months, and after some professional help, self-reflection and time passing I can cautiously say I’m a more balanced person now.

I feel quite complete on my own. I have my career path set for me, hobbies and interests and even a part time job (still in college). I kinda want to have a person in my life I care about more than others, but I don’t know how to approach this.

Dating apps are not for me. It’s too technical and people’s persona online can be very different from who they are in real life. I will refrain from meeting people online in general for a while, that’s where I found the last one.

I currently don’t engage in IRL hobby meetings (e.g Salsa nights) because I’m still worried about Covid. I am vaccinated, cases are down in numbers and milder in severity but it’s not over yet, not for me anyways.

I thought of asking my closest friends to set me up with someone they know. I trust them but I’m also quite picky and a bit socially anxious so even talking to them about it can become an uncomfortable encounter.

Do you have any other suggestions for potential places/ways to meet people? I think I covered all the bases but I’m always ready to hear and read more. Thanks 🙂

  1. Sorry to hear you had to deal with that!
    I dated a compulsive liar as well before that would lie about everything.

    Other than online, through friends, or at some kind of group hobby event or bar/nightclub.. nothing comes to mind to be honest

  2. I’m actually in a similar situation 6 years being engaged and now broken up. I’m not fully healed yet though!! So you’re ahead on that one haha I am similar to you in the sense that online dating doesn’t work, or it only works for 4-6 months.

    One of the things I learned about is a group activity that takes place in major cities. It is called events & adventures. Luckily there is one near you. This is a group that does activities and you get to meet other singles. I haven’t tried it, but it was recommended to me. Another option is MeetUp. The biggest advantage to MeetUp is that groups tend to be smaller and it is a common interest right off the bat. So better chances to meet someone.

    I think those would be the best ways to approach it. Yes, COVID is still around, so I’d recommend you talk to them and make sure there can be social distance and such. Hope this helped, although I doubt it. Either way best of luck OP!

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