What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

  1. I was a receptionist at a nursing home, but the second day I worked there, they had me suit up to work as an untrained CNA in the Covid Unit with a nurse that had also never been there before; she didn’t know the patients or their histories. However, she was awesome and helped me get through the day because I was a goddamn *receptionist,* not a CNA, never had any training working as a CNA.

    It wad fucking terrible, I quit after that.

    However, working at a gas station was even worse – it was my first job in 2018 and I got paid $7.50 an hour working for a sexist manager, usually didn’t get a lunch break unless I just stood & ate while running back & forth to the registers when a customer walked in. I was also the only one made to clean the bathrooms “because that’s a woman’s job”

    After I was told my manager talked about women that way, I quit without notice and told them I don’t appreciate how the manager treats & views women, and that I felt uncomfortable working for someone like that. Plus, all the creepy men that would come in and flirt with me/cross boundaries made me promise myself I’d never work in a gas station again.

    So those two were the worst jobs, but I remember being a lot more miserable at the gas station simply because I endured it longer, I think.

  2. Retail 100%. Even worse than fast food because at least at Taco Bell I was behind a counter and they couldn’t touch me without some hella effort. My manager at TB also had my back at the slightest provocation and was always in the bean trenches with the rest of us. You couldn’t find a manager at Macy’s with GPS trackers and Batman’s computer.

  3. My previous coffee shop job. First and last time I ever work for a chain.

  4. Working in a kennel. I don’t love dogs anyway but needed the money. Unsurprisingly lots of dogs are completely untrained so trying to take them for their walks was just trying not to be yanked around or tackled or bitten. Worst part was the cleaning. We had to scrub down each room and if there was a single hair you had to basically redo it-but they’d bring animals through the room while you were cleaning. I also got peed on like, regularly.

    Also my cousin dated and then dumped the manager and that was awkward as hell.

  5. It’s a toss up between Starbucks and A farm store- Starbucks because the people- and the company doing nothing to protect its employees and the farms store because i had a shitty boss. The bank wasn’t great either- but it was fairly easy if you could deal with a poor manager and a shady co-worker or two 🙂

  6. Working at a not-for-profit where the president made over 500k. We had to work outside in all sorts of weather.

  7. A niche insurance agency, the work was mostly fine, the small “family owned and operated” aspect was horrific. I work in a corporate job now and I love it in comparison, family businesses are the worst idea ever and the one I worked for was run by a mad woman

  8. Dishwasher, This was my first ever job at 16. Way too busy, it’s hell and even worse over Christmas/New years/end of year as it’s much much busier. (Why do people eat so much?) Private functions were also hell. We had a max capacity of 200 people so very busy.

    Long hours, usually no break if it’s busy, overworked (The hardest working in the kitchen)

    There are three courses: Entrée’s, Mains, Desserts
    There are three services: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Do the math and that’s A LOT of plates, that’s not including the cutlery, boards, pots, pans, bowls and all other tools. That’s A LOT of dishwashing!

    Usually the last person to leave and always finishing 1-2h overtime including closing duties. Degrading and affected my mental health and it got so bad I quit.

    This job taught me the meaning of hard work and working your ass off. What blood, sweat and tears mean. If you can do this job, (keep up with the incredibly fast pace, high volume, be physically fit stamina strength and energy wise) you can do anything. That’s the only good thing that came out of this.

  9. project manager for a “fun” tech company.

    forced socialization after work hours in the name of “team building,” happy hours you were generally expected to attend, “office dogs” that were supposed to be “stress relief”, free food/drinks in the office, it’s “ok” to have a few drinks at lunch meetings, “group hikes” on weekends (that you were again expected to attend), and management was super “””likeable””” with the staff, etc.

    so basically working with a bunch of alcoholics who wanted to do anything other than work and wondered why our numbers were constantly down.

  10. The one I’m currently at. I’m a cleaner for my local state college. I get paid $14 an hour to clean up after the students who dorm here. The job itself wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the clear lack of respect that both students and faculty have for us cleaners. We are the very reason this college makes the money that it does and yet we don’t get any respect for it. I hate it here.

  11. I worked in a facility that took care of developmentally disabled adults. Never again.

  12. Grocery stocking with chronic pain. Nearly brought me to end my life it was so hard on me.

  13. Low on the food chain retail. It’s not so much a ‘job’, it’s more like 5 jobs mushed into one without the extra compensation. Generally awful work culture for little reward and no sense of personal achievement or fulfillment

  14. Cell tech support at an AT&T call center. Abusive atmosphere, horrible customers, insane metrics, and best of all they’ll fire you the moment they find out you need heart surgery.

  15. I was a med tech in a retirement home. Took care of elderly dementia patients for 2 years. Had to wipe ass, clean, feed them, give them meds, deal with their violent outbursts. And that was fine with me. Until I had to hold my favorite patient in my arms as she died.

    I no longer fear dying. I fear getting sick and being alone like them

  16. Honestly I think my current job, a dog training assistant. I want to be a dog trainer once I get my certification, but the trainer I work under right now is so irritating and just so stupid. He doesn’t own the place but he runs the day school. I literally only work with him so I’m subjected to his stupid opinions and training methods every single day. When he does things that could negatively impact the dogs forever I can’t even complain to our boss because she will choose his side over mine. He makes me hate dog training.

  17. Telemarketing. You hate receiving those calls, it was even worse having to be the one to make them. That job lasted a week.

  18. Copyshop clerk. It’s like retail but with printers: anything that can go wrong just goes wrong, all day long, while customers are being, well, customers. And my boss was a huge asshole with anger issues, too.

  19. It wasn’t the job description or position, but the place.

    They passive aggressively made fun of me for essentially being sexually harassed at their venue

    I was going through health issues with cancer and would ask to work from home some days (totally possible) and they would constantly give me shit for it.

    Not properly staffed because of shitty bosses so those who were there were overworked.

    A lot of management was useless and didn’t know what they were doing, but also wouldn’t listen to anyone else.

  20. I have a tech support job when as my first job when I was younger. It was somewhat easy but the customers made it stressful at times. Some wouldn’t want help from me because I was a woman and some were overall just kind of creepy.

  21. Worked for a professional theater that was run by two failed Broadway actors who had no idea how to actually run a theater. They would get caught up in the drama and gossip of the other actors, to the detriment of the business.

  22. I at 23 in grad school full time got hired part time to help a property manager at a local apartment complex

    2 weeks later I was the full time property manager of 92 units, kicking people out left and right. It was worse than section 8 and I had zero previous experience.

    Things which happened

    3 days before I started there was a shoot out, so my first week was spent answering questions for the cops

    A ceiling collapsed in one of the residences unit, I had to put up sheet rock and fix thing with just me and the maintenance man the only other employee, on the fly with Google.

    Kicked out 20 of the 50 residence since two months prior the rest of the vacant units were used as a brothel and no one gave a shit if the actual residence paid

    Deal with an untrusting ass of an owner since his previous manager ran a brothel out of the units and embezzled money, didn’t trust me as I was a “girl”

    Dodged the water department constantly as the owner owed 80k to the city water authority

    Kicked people out at Christmas time (literally gave notices the week of Christmas) as it was discovered that one of the stairwells was not up to code, and the owner wanted people out NOW

    Construction due to aforementioned stairwell which was a nightmare since the owner decide to remodel the units and not pay the contractor.

    Kick out residents or gang activity, had the sheriff with me for that notice. Couple of arrested former tenants.

    Deal with abandoned units, which was grosssss, luckily the sheriff would do a sweep first and remove and drug paraphernalia but still the amount of maggots where unreal

    I could go on- those were the highlights and I got paid an astounding $10 an hour and often not on time.

    Of coarse this job was a toss up between it and the poultry company which ended up being an illegal business front.

  23. Door to door canvassing for a nonprofit. I believed in the cause but the actual job was emotionally exhausting.

  24. I was a server at a restaurant where they called themselves a “family,” AKA an excuse to treat you like shit with no repercussions for their actions. Made a solid $2.50 an hour with minimal tips. Was bullied throughout the entire time I was there, and when I left after being treated horribly the entire time, no one cared.

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