Provided there is nothing inappropriate going on, they are only platonic friends.

  1. The same things that would cause me to dislike anyone. there’s a personality clash, they treat people badly, differing values, etc.

  2. Anything that I don’t like about them as a person, which is really limited to not sharing very important values (ie not treating people appropriately). But I can’t quite imagine that, because why would I be with my SO and my SO would tolerate having a friend like that?

  3. Even if someone is not behaving inappropriately sexually/romantically, that doesn’t mean that we’re compatible as friends or people. If I don’t like her, I probably find multiple things about her personality, beliefs, views, and behaviors objectionable.

  4. I disliked one of my SO’s female friends because she expected me and her to become immediate BFFs just because of our connection via my SO, and that’s not how I roll.

  5. My girlfriend is super social and great with people, I’m an awkward mess of a woman but for the most part I can be polite to her friends even if we don’t get along super well

    Things to make me dislike you:

    Touch my kids without checking with either my gf or me

    Constantly put down other people or talk about how much better you are

    Trying to win the trauma Olympics, its a super fucked up version of one upping everyone which is also annoying

    Hitting on my girlfriend all the time. I get it, she’s a hot redhead with top energy and a lot of confidence, she’s also got a girlfriend already so piss off

    Yeah, those are the big things

  6. My brother in law I don’t like as he has trouble with hygiene and teeth brushing. I don’t understand how she doesn’t notice.

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