Every year millions of Americans engage in hunting wild animals for food and recreation. Commonly hunted animals include: Deer, elk, wild turkey, rabbits, squirrels, bear, antelope/pronghorn, ducks, and geese.

  1. Been hunting a couple of times, so yeah I’ve killed and cleaned my own. Not really my thing but I think it’s a valuable experience.

    Eaten a fair but more because it IS a thing for a number of people I know.

  2. Yes.

    I dont eat pork no more but back when I did, we ate a wild hog that was hunted by my uncle’s farm in northern Florida. That was tasty meat ngl

  3. Currently I’ve got duck, goose, elk, venison, walleye and northern pike in my freezer. So most definitely yes.

  4. Yes. Also several on that list isn’t really that wild; nearly every American has had turkey, for example.

  5. I’ve had plenty of game meat like duck, Turkey, quail, gator, rabbit, but the only “wild” (see: not “farm raised”) game meat I’ve had was venison. Not a big hunter personally. Nothing against hunting, and I love shooting guns at the range when I’ve got the time, but my idea of fun isn’t getting up at the ass crack of dawn to lay down in deer piss for 6 hours waiting for the perfect shot. And setting up corn feeders just removes the sport from it.

    Also I’ve had goose and bison. I don’t think I’ve had elk though?

  6. Never been hunting but I’ve had like boar and elk and deer at restaurants if that counts. Also one time someone I worked with made venison sausage and gave me some.

  7. I’ve tried lots of stuff. Some of the meat I’ve had that I can think of off the top of my head: reindeer, kangaroo, iguana, peacock, bobcat, boar, alligator, antelope, elk, buffalo, and swan. Not sure if seafood counts as wild game, but I’ve also had whale and shark. I’m sure there are other things I’ve tried that are missing from this list. I obviously am not naming some of the more common stuff like duck. I’ve never been hunting nor have any desire to, so all of these were consumed at restaurants.

  8. Yes. Deer, wild hogs, elk, duck, rattlesnake & gator. None of which I hunted (I do not hunt).

  9. Sure. Hunting happens 1000% world wide though. Have YOU never had wild game meat?

    I have never hunted my own nor participated in the hunting part my whole life, however many people throughout have and have handed me wild game, which is why I ask.

    I do fillet fish right after they are fished out though, which still may not count. I hate the killing part even though I know it’s necessary.

  10. Oh yeah we used to practically live off deer meat through the winter. Deer jerky, deer burgers, deer sausage with breakfast, deer pot roast. Also I’ve had rabbit and squirrel as well

  11. Wild hog can be fantastic! Venison is OK, gator tail is good, free range chicken and squirrel not so much

  12. Yes. I grew up a hunter and my family ate a lot of wild meat. In order of most common for us:

    Deer, elk, grouse, ducks, geese, rabbits, pheasant, chuckers, dove, bear. I think I ate a squirrel once, but not sure.

    As a matter of fact, I have some mule deer in the freezer I shot last fall. My favorite is elk.

    We also caught and ate a lot of wild fish.

  13. Venison, elk, bison, wild turkey, wild boar, gator, rabbit, quail, numerous freshwater and saltwater fish

  14. Deer, turtle, frog, squirrel, rabbit, turkey, and many different kinds of freshwater fish. That’s all I have had so far (that I can remember) when it comes to actual game meat, meaning that me or someone I know killed it and cooked it.

  15. I have eaten all of those, except bear. Big fan of elk and big fan of squirrels

  16. Oh yes! My 10 year old will be joining me this year during archery season since they have been taking classes. Both my kids already help process animals on our property (chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows) so I don’t think a deer is going to be a huge leap. They both love venison jerky and have named our local 8 point buck “Jerky” and I’ve been instructed to shoot him.

    I’ve also shot and processes pheasant, elk, and whatever fish we catch from streams. Elk is probably my favorite game meat though.

  17. Yes, deer and bear but it’s been a while. I have family that hunts (I do not).

  18. My brother killed and skinned a squirrel and my mother fried it for him. That was an interesting story.

  19. Moose, gator, elk, bighorn sheep, bison, snakes.

    Never had squirrel but ive had the rest of your list, plus these.

    Like any cut of meat when its prepared right its amazing! Otherwise tempura fry it.

  20. I’ve had deer, elk, rabbit, bear, Guinea pig and I’ve had goose. All very good

  21. Whitetail venison is ubiquitous in rural Wisconsin after gun season. I generally don’t care for it. I’ve also had wild pheasant, turkey, and bear that had been shot in the US. I’ve also had wild boar but that was in Germany.

  22. Almost 50% of my meat is wild game meat, another large percentage is home grown meat.

    Elk and moose are my favorite, we eat A LOT of elk. So much elk I put that shit in hamburger helper. I put it in lasagna, I make elkloaf.

    I am convinced I have consumed more antelope than anybody else. we had a lot of it growing up. I don’t really like it. Sausage and jerky is the only way to eat it.

    We raise goats and eat a lot of goat as well but that isn’t wild. I often trade goat milk for meat.

    ETA: I don’t like deer and don’t eat it. Also lots of chronic wasting in our local deer and we don’t hunt it anyways.

  23. Yup. Got some venison for helping a buddy look after his dog on Thanksgiving. I’ve also had opossum chilli, though the cook didn’t tell me until I’d finished the bowl. Learned a valuable lesson about pot lucks that day.

    I’ve also had a variety of African meats like kudu, impala, eland, and probably others that I’m blanking on at the moment. They were animals culled in a national park in South Africa, though. I didn’t hunt them or know the guy who did.

  24. All except bear and pronghorn. My understanding is that bear is really greasy and not really a desirable meat.

  25. Yup!

    Deer is ok, but I love Elk. Buffalo is pretty good but quite expensive (only had that at a restaurant once).

    There’s a local burger joint that has a special day (I think once each week, but it’s been years since I’ve stopped to eat there) where they bring in exotic meats… They’ve had kangaroo, shark, emu, and since others.. I’ve meant to stop and try those, but haven’t.

  26. Yes, not from anything I’ve hunted myself but one of my dad’s friends makes some mean venison

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