If you could change one thing about your life or the world what would it be?

  1. Had the chance to join the Mi5 government spy agency in London but turned it down.

    Should have done it just for a fun anecdote.

  2. For me I would choose my procastination to be cured. For the world I would want all social media to vanish. I would keep youtube though.

  3. Add a lot of zeros and comas to my bank account….

    Imagine having the funds to start your own car company, start building SV-103’s again, starting your own charity organization and more or less single hardly ending homelessness in Sweden, helping to end poverty in Africa by building a factory and having Swedish working conditions while providing schooling for the workers kids.

  4. The ability to learn literally anything rapidly. That’s a gamechanger.

    If there was something I could change about the world, it would be to turn 1 South American country, 1 African country and one Middle Eastern country into first world superpowers with nuclear programs. Probably Chile, the Democratic Republic of Congo and maybe Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or Oman. It won’t end world poverty or solve world hunger and other crises, but it would make some of the things happening in the world a whole lot more interesting.

    Other options to change world would have been for African countries to reject European language and maybe have Swahili as a lingua franca, for peace between Israel and Palestina and fair territory or becoming one nation, for humanity to survive global warming, etc.

    But if you really mean could change anything and I mean anything.

    Send me to reincarnate in an alternate world.

    Introduce the next step for human evolution.

    Human and alien interaction. That way we can complain about Plutonians waging war, and Mercurials stealing your girlfriend or talk about how dating woman from Saturn has changed your life.

  5. I would Thanos finger snap away everyone with a major disability. The world economy would kick start with the freed up resources and there would only be one bad guy.

  6. I’d be the 12th richest person in the world. Nobody cares about him. It’s all top 10 or top 5. Then I would live in quiet anonymity funding scientific fundamental research.

  7. Have XRay vision but instead of seeing through them you see how much they like you or are interested.

  8. Id like to see à perfect world. Where every part of humanity is aknowledged and respected and societies actually focus solely on improving.

  9. I’d like to remove people’s ability to lie. Imagine politicians speaking always truth.

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