Our relationship has been pretty wonky as of late, we constantly fight even about three tiniest of things, she believes I’m not proud of her even though I post and comment on her stuff. She doubts me being faithful most of the time. Her attitude has gotten worse, I mean before it was okay but now it’s gotten worse. She jokes about dying but sometimes I’m not so sure she’s joking and what really pissed me off was her talking about other guys.

Now, she’s told me that she never talks to any other men because she has me. However, when she gets mad she goes off on me. Then I’m guessing to hurt me or just because she’s mad she would say that she’s going to flirt or sleep with other men. She would also compare me to other guys as well. Then after all the fighting and going back and forth she plays it off like it never happened and sometimes she says she was just kidding.

Recently, she’s been wanting me to introduce her to my parents but I’ve honestly been hesitant about that. I feel hesitant on introducing her because of how much we fight and I always feel we’re not okay, and in the back of my mind I feel like it’s not a good idea. Am I awful to think that? Just because we fight too much on a daily basis and our arguments get nasty?

I’m really stuck on whether or not I should end things or try to fix it. I don’t know what to do anymore

  1. Yes. You should break up. She sounds like she’s (mentally, intellectually, emotionally) twelve. You deserve someone who actually makes you happy, not dreading the next face-time.

  2. She seems very toxic and the fact that she tries to hurt you by saying she’s gonna flirt or sleep with other men says a lot about her. If you truly love and care about someone you don’t intentionally hurt them. You should break up with her before being stuck more with this toxic woman.

  3. Arguments can get heated – when they get nasty and out of point then it’s toxic.

    You can argue over someone crossing a relationship boundary for example : without then blasting off and threatening your life / or that you’ll sleep around. 🤦🏻‍♀️🚨

    If there is no trust there is jo relationship.
    Wanting to meet the parents is a huge step forward in a relationship, usually reserved for “the one”. She doesn’t sound like that one.

  4. In a healthy relationship, there is trust. In a healthy relationship, conflict is approached from the perspective of “we are having this problem, what solution can we come up with that meets both of our needs?” instead of refusing to address the conflict at all. In a healthy relationship, each partner can have privacy and boundaries, without the other partner saying that a desire for privacy means you don’t love them.

    I saw the part where she wanted to be able to read your conversations with friends and family and holding the boundary that she’s not allowed to do that is really important. Your friends and family probably will tell you things that they wouldn’t want read by another person and you should ensure that their privacy is respected as well as your own or it will impact their ability to trust you down the line. I was reading comments the other day about people who have pulled way back on deep and meaningful friendships because the friends have adopted a “we’re married and I tell my spouse everything” policy but the commenters didn’t want to have secrets shared with their friend’s spouse so the friend just didn’t get secrets anymore. Don’t let your girlfriend bully you into becoming someone your friends can’t trust or turn to when they need help figuring something out privately

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