Hi, I am in a casual sexual relationship with man an older guy in his mid 50s. Age gap is 20 years. He cum the first time, second time went limp middle sex and third time he won’t cum. I am confused why is this happening, am I not attractive enough? Or is it a normal thing after a certain age. I like him so much. He says he finds me sexy and attractive. Third time sex was so good, just want him to cum too! Edit: I should clarify sex was on 3 different days spread out

  1. please Google refractory period by age and educate yourself. Very few 55 year old guys can go 3 rounds. Get yourself an 18 year old if that is important to you.

  2. I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with you. It can get more difficult for some men at an older age.
    I need more help / stimulans myself after cumming the first time and going for a second round in short time. Also the case when inebriated. It’s still not a problem, since you don’t always need a second round, but I can imagine for most people it’s getting more difficult with age.

    How much other things are you doing next to the regular penetration?

    Giving enough time and other things like oral, I’m sure the cum will come :p

  3. This is called “biology”. As they get older, men tend to need longer time in between rounds of sex. At fifty, one orgasm and done is not uncommon. Though frankly, it’s hardly uncommon for men of any age to need a break between rounds of sex.

  4. It’s age. That’s why I always tell my wife to go find a guy to fuck her like I used to because she is still horny all the time.

  5. I’m slightly more half that mans age, I don’t always cum when my partner and I have sex, If I think back to when I was half my age again (so late teens basically) I could go multiple rounds, several times a night. It does change.

    But there’s also several times when I just can’t/won’t cum, It has a mind of it’s own sometimes and while the spirit is willing, the flesh is spongey and bruised and won’t cooperate! There’s also those times where you get a hardon for no apparent reason despite nothing sexual going on, “What is it boy? what do you see?!”…

  6. I haven’t orgasmed 3 times in one round since I was 18. I’m closer to your BFs age and it’s not you, the fact he can cum twice at age 50 is pretty impressive.

    “Third time sex was so good, just want him to cum too!”

    You said he did cum 🙂 Plan on him cumming once and what you will do afterwards

  7. >am I not attractive enough?

    I just want to say that in all these threads, it’s almost never that. Performance issues are not a result of a woman’s sex appeal, they’re almost always to do with a man’s physical and mental health.

    This is why bad sex education harms both men and women.

  8. It’s an older guy thing, blood flow isn’t as good heart health declining, cholesterol etc

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