Hey guys first of all I am not a native speaker so sorry if my english not that great.

Since I was a child my voice was so weird it is like speaking when you close your nose. When I was in school I remember sometime the teacher call my cousin who is 2 years older than me to help them understand me because they couldn’t know what I am saying.

I mean it when i say everyone make fun of me at one point even my family when they think there were joking with me.

One time in high school I was asked to read a paragraph after reading a few word the teacher laughs so hard and said “stop no one can understand you just stop” and told my other boy to read the it. I remember that I cried so hard when I enter home and didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Sometime I wish I could live without a voice I think its better than this stupid voice.. when i grew up my friend told me to check with a doctor about what is the the reason for this stupid voice the doctor check everything and said you don’t have any problem. I did not believe him but after going to 3 doctor and they all said the same thing. I lost hope

I will not lie and says that I didnt think of hurt myself because I did hurt my self so many time I was angry why everyone can speak except me ! and I am still….

I am a father now and I so freaking scared that my son will face problem because of his stupid father voice maybe his friend will make fun of him maybe maybe maybe……

I just hate that so hard I lost hope completely I am close to 30 and still couldn’t change shit .

You are my last hope because I really don’t know what to do please just say any advice I Don’t need motivation story or any shit because for 30 years I could speak lot I always stay in shadow because of my voice and when I speak everyone make fun of me ! I need help I dont know how or if anyone can help me but at least I tried for last time ever……..

  1. Don’t worry about your voice. Worry about what you have to say. Many people ou there with beautiful voice and are very articulate but what they say is meaningless. They don’t have any knowledge that’s why what they say is meaningless. My advice to you is that you have to focus on what you are saying not how you sound like.

  2. A highly distinctive voice can be a really good thing. Popular singers tend to have strange, funky voices that under normal circumstances would be considered offputting.

    The most important thing is being understood. Learn to enunciate carefully in such a way that the people around you understand you. Learn to speak at the proper volume and speed for the scenario. If your voice is nasally, then so be it.

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