Fellow men, how often are you still in contact with your siblings?

  1. Normally, a few times a year when we visit home. Not a lot going on to talk about.

  2. Haven’t spoken to my sister in 20+ years and I won’t the rest of my life. She’s a piece of shit human that we shouldn’t have to share oxygen with.

  3. Haven’t seen her in a while, usually see her once a year. We talk weekly, usually. Life is busy

  4. I talk to my youngest brother once every few weeks. The rest of them can burn in hell for all I care.

  5. I have an older sister I unfortunately never speak with. She’s from my dad’s first marriage and even though I definitely consider her my sister and my family, we’ve just never been terribly close and rarely see each other. My niece, whom I remember her bringing to visit as a baby, is now getting married and I can’t believe I missed her whole life.

    My older brother and I are the exact opposite. We message each other every day and talk on the phone probably once a week or so.

    My younger sister and I speak every so often. I try to get across whenever we do that she can always turn to me whenever she needs anything. Whenever I go visit I try to spend time with her but she’s also a busy woman and a relatively new mom so we don’t always get to hang out.

    My younger brother and I probably speak only slightly more often than I do with my older sister, but we do occasionally message each other and hang out when we’re both in town to visit our mom. There’s a significant age gap between us. I’d love to have a better relationship with him.

  6. None. I cut off my crazy sister 5 or 6 years ago. No regrets; cut toxic people from your life.

  7. I haven’t seen or spoken to my sister in years.
    Probably won’t until both my parents pass and I have to contact her about it and the will.

  8. My younger sister, very often. We work for the same company. My older sister, not so much. We didn’t even know about each other up until a few years ago, and have met a few times.

  9. I talk to my brother every day. Sometimes he talks sometimes he doesn’t, but he’s always there for me. A guy couldn’t ask for a better brother.

  10. Birthdays, holidays, when discussing mom. That’s it. We never really got along.

  11. I am 38 and my two brothers are 36 and 30. I have never had a good relationship with the 36 yo but I always ask my parents how he’s doing and text him on his birthday. The 30 yo is very introverted but we speak kind of often and he’s really the coolest person. We live in different countries, to add some context

  12. Monthly, younger sister; She only really talks to me if she needs something. I assume after my mother passes that it will be less than that.

  13. My sister not for the past 4ish years, my brother recently at a wedding. Like nothing’s changed.

  14. Talk to my brother weekly, at least.

    Pretty much lost contact with my sister. Last contact I had with her was giving her a car five years ago. Wonder if it’s still in one piece.

  15. It’s like she’s trying to forget me. She has a fiance and is pregnant now. When I text her I’m lucky to get a handful of responses in a day, 30 minutes to hours apart. This is a woman who lives on her phone. She claims she’s busy, or always has an excuse but she’s unemployed now trying to be a stay at home mom. I stop talking to her and I’ll never hear from her again, unless I initiate. She’s my only family. We were always close. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. Lately I just let go. If she doesn’t want me in her life, so be it.

  16. I (41) try to call my sister (43) once a month and I see her every 4months maybe. Not enough, by far.

  17. Constantly. I’m the youngest of two boys, but we’re adults. Always in each other’s lives. Wouldn’t change it either.

  18. Don’t really talk to my only/older brother. He’s kind of an asshole. Always under-minds me, treats me like I’m a fool. I’ve tried my whole life to invite him out with my friends but he never wanted to. He also left and moved in with a girl I loved. Got my heart shattered twice, nearly took my own life over the situation. It sucks bad because our father committed suicide and my mom would love nothing more than for us to get along. Tears me apart. I wish things were different… I feel broken sometimes. I’ve found it very hard to trust anyone these days… Wish I wasn’t cynical… I never was before but I guess this is life… Things happen and they change you.

  19. I actually share a house with my brother who’s a year younger than me and I have two older sisters that I talk to almost every day and I have a younger half sister that I can’t stand the sight of and we don’t talk.

  20. Every single day. Sometimes it’s just a link to a video, a song suggestion, sometimes it’s a full conversation or just a meme.

  21. Maybe few times a year, but even those are just to relay information of arrival when my mother is coming to visit.

    Just small talk or anything else, haven’t done that in a decade or more if we did it at all in any point of our lives.

    Not that he’s a bad person in any way. Just the age difference(8 years) and never getting close with each other to begin with. We are strangers to this day.

  22. Maybe once every few months. They were all much closer to each other than me, so they pretty much just forgot about me after I moved away.

  23. We have a group chat and share memes, upload photos and message each other every day.

  24. No contact for the most part. I think she hates me. About a decade, maybe slightly over, of minimal contact. I’m in my early 30s.

  25. Oldest brother – dead

    Second oldest brother – every couple of weeks

    Youngest brother – he only contacts me when he wants something

  26. I have a strained relationship with my sister since she’s very manipulative, and toxic. However, I need to stay somewhat neutral with her. Why? I want to keep in contact with my one year old nephew.

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