Help Please

I(20f) just had sex with my partner close to 3 hours ago and I had multiple orgasms that he had to stop cause my heart was beating so fast and he panicked.
The problem now is, I am having the most excruciating pain in my lower abdomen down to my rectum. I can’t move my legs or waist or the pain shoots through my entire body. I managed to sleep after the first hour of torture but only for 35 minutes and the pain never stopped.
I am in complete agony and don’t know what to do. It’s 9:39am and my partner is fast asleep and it’s raining like a bitch.

It hurts so fucking much. I can’t move or breathe properly and I am beginning to lose my cool. I might pass out from the pain or my heart might give out. I don’t know

Can anyone help me??? Is this just a me thing???

Please please please. Google hasn’t been the best help

  1. Reddit isn’t a place for medical help either. If it’s really bad, go to a hospital.

  2. Please don’t panic lol. If you have multiple orgasms this is probably a consequence. Your body might not be used to it and you panicking is making it worse, believe me. I would suggest you drink some water and lay down, if you have pain killers anywhere, take them. I haven’t been in this situation but I can understand the pain of inter-course. In the future, I would cut down on how much time you guys are having inter-course. Your body is not taking this well. But there could be many things wrong here (specifically what y’all are doing) speed wise, Rough or Gentle, and…the amount of time you’re having sex for. If its over 27-30 minutes. I’d stop. If it hurts after 3 days (and when I say 3 days I mean it, don’t go a week with it hurting) go to the doctor because then that’s not normal. I would also avoid inter-course for 3-4 days. (I know that’s a pain to hear but it’ll help you out).

  3. If the pain started after the orgasms, you probably pulled some lower muscles during the spasms.

    You are not dying.

    If you aren’t bleeding, the likelihood you actually need the ER is low.

    Wake up your partner and tell him you have pulled muscles and you need him to get you some Ibuprofen, or Tylenol if it’s what you have.

    It will help with the inflammation and you can get some rest. Just take the pain meds, drink water, and stay still. First two days are the worst, you’ll probably have to call out of work.

  4. Sounds like severe cramps or muscle strain from the orgasms, and possibly also some bruising of your cervix. Rest, Advil, warm wash cloth on the area, and take a day or two off from vaginal sex. You’ll be okay.

    Unless you have bleeding, in which case get to a doctor.

  5. You’ve probably either bruised your cervix or pulled a muscle. If there is no bleeding I wouldn’t worry terribly. If it keeps up go to a doctor.

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