” if i disclose this info abt myself maybe they won’t like me”

“if i say this, it might not be well-received”.

Fear of rejection is actually more paralysing than rejection in and of itself. Rejection is a moment in time and you get over it. But fear of rejection is what keeps us from even making friends most of the time.

I always have an irrational fear that i’m unwanted anywhere i go. I’m working on that.
I do have a few friends. But if i see someone and think they could be my **best** friend, i become over-protective of my own ego, and have a hard time “pursusing” them.
Love (in friendships) can’t coexisy with fear. So i hope, by practicing self-love i’m able to conquer my fear.

I feel like i always need to have control too. Anytime i hang out, i need to organize everything = where, when and nitpick each person who’s going to be there, and feel anxious if there’s someone idk there.

  1. I feel you. It ain’t easy… Wish it was. My advice would be to take one step at a time and really ask yourself: why do I doubt about myself ? Why is it that im alway overthinking? Maybe you don’t think you’re good enough (you are more than good enough). Maybe you could try therapy. Learn to trust and love yourself. Easier said than done right? You’ll get There eventuelly dont give up !

  2. I feel you there. I think like you said I struggle with being a nitpick. I’m so overly critical of myself it seeps into my relationships. I can count on one hand who I can REALLY count on in my friendships. Letting go of fear is hard…especially when you want to do the right thing. Maybe we should become our own home and hopefully people gravitate towards that????? Lol. Sending you good luck and strength 🩷

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