so my bf and I meet at least once a month since we are on a long distance rs. when we get to spicy time, it feels normal to me and i can’t even be horny and also the reason why i can’t finish. the problem is, when im doing it to myself its fine. i can feel it and i can finish. but why when im having sex with my bf, it doesn’t feel anything? i can’t even get wet that’s why we use lube. is this even normal? 😭 i feel bad for my bf bc he thinks im not enjoying it but truth is, i like it. it’s just why i can’t feeling anything?

  1. Sounds to me that since your in a long distance relationship i feel that you masturbate alot more than have sex, your body has become use to the touch of your own body and the way you masturbate, its a mental thing mostly as you mind is comfortable with the way you do it hence why u finish easy, but when it come to your man, your body and mind can’t seem to become horny as your so use to your own body,

    My advice is to maybe give masturbating a break and only try and do it with your partner, yeah iknow its gon be hard as its long distance but your sex life wont improve if u keep doin what your doing, communicate with him what turns u on or maybe try new things u might like,

    Good luck

  2. Main reason might be because your not feeling it with him, and yes, I’m talking romantically. You might be in denial about your feelings for him. But if there is a chance you really do like him then It might be something about his body or what he does that turns you off but you might not or might notice it. Try and find things that do make you horny, whether that’s playing with yourself or watching adult content.

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