If you and your partner had moved away from where you grew up but in the new place you found the home you never had. Would you move back if your partner got homesick?

  1. Discuss our situation and see what makes the most sense for us. We’ve lived in 4 different states during the course of our relationship so far. Neither of us feels terribly place-bound, so we generally enjoy discussing places we might like to live and our future plans for where we want to be. I’d be curious to learn more about why they wanted to move back to a specific place – especially if it was the place where either of us grew up – as that hasn’t generally been a big deal for us.

  2. Totally situational. But, for me personally, I’ve always made my relationship my #1 priority. I wouldn’t separate from him. But, I would want to make sure that we’d given this new place a fair shot. That he and I had put ourselves out there, met some people, started putting down roots. I’d probably compromise and say something like, we give it 6mo on the dot. We put all our effort in. And, if at the end of 6mo, you still hate it here and want to move back, we’ll stick together and move back.

  3. This has happened twice. In one instance we moved back after a year. In the other instance we moved back after 6 years. In both instances, we discussed pros and cons, finances, goals, preferences, priorities, etc. and came to an agreement.

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